Outlook + Excel

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Hi. I need to conduct a survey and I will receive by e-mail many files ".xls"
attached. I then have to produce reports automatically.

I have already created a macro which automates the report production for
each file ".xls" .

But I would like to know if there is a way to also make automatic the
reception of the file, its storage in a predefined directory, open it,
execute the macro and then save as a customized name depending on the
person's name who answered the survey.

If you can also recommend me support material for reading, I'd really
appreciate. Thanks in advance.

Daniel (Brazil)
Try using the code below as the basis for trapping items delivered or saved
to any folder. The Item_Add event will fire when an e-mail is moved to the
folder that you specify, and then you can work with the message in any way
you want. Keep in mind that the Item_Add event is flaky and may not fire if
a large number of messages are moved/copied/delivered to a folder at the same

Once you've done that and have a handle to the message object you want, call
MailItem.Attachments(1).SaveAsFile("C:\" &
MailItem.Attachments.Item(1).DisplayName (change the number as appropriate).

You'd then need to use the Excel object model to open that worksheet and run
a macro.

For more general info on Outlook programming, there are some good resources

Visual Basic and VBA Coding in Microsoft Outlook:

' Module : clsMailItemTrapper
' Usage :
' : In the ThisOutlookSession module, you must instantiate this
class properly
' : so it will run while Outlook is open
' e.g.:
' Dim myTrapper As clsMailItemTrapper
' Private Sub Application_Startup()
' Set myTrapper = New clsMailItemTrapper
' End Sub
' Private Sub Application_Quit()
' Set myTrapper = Nothing
' End Sub

Option Explicit
Dim WithEvents objMonitoredFolderItems As Outlook.Items
Private objMonitoredFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Private objNS As Outlook.NameSpace

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
On Error GoTo EH:

Set objNS = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
'Method 1: if you know the EntryID for the folder...
Set objMonitoredFolder =
'Method 2: set to a default folder
Set objMonitoredFolder = objNS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
'Method 3: if you know the full path to the folder
Set objMonitoredFolder = OpenMAPIFolder("PST

Set objMonitoredFolderItems = objMonitoredFolder.Items

If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set objMonitoredFolder = Nothing
Set objMonitoredFolderItems = Nothing
Set objNS = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub objMonitoredFolderItems_ItemAdd(ByVal Item As Object)
On Error GoTo EH:

If Item.Class <> olMail Then Exit Sub
Dim objMail As Outlook.MailItem
Set objMail = Item
'Do something with the message
Set objMail = Nothing
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Resume Next
End If
End Sub

'Custom procedure: OpenMAPIFolder(ByVal strPath)
'Purpose: Return a MAPIFolder from Path argument
'Returns: MAPIFolder object
Function OpenMAPIFolder(ByVal strPath) As Outlook.MAPIFolder
On Error GoTo OpenMAPIFolder_Error

Dim objFldr As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim strDir As String
Dim strName As String
Dim i As Integer

If strPath = "" Then Exit Function
If Left(strPath, Len("\")) = "\" Then
strPath = Mid(strPath, Len("\") + 1)
Set objFldr = ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
End If
While strPath <> ""
i = InStr(strPath, "\")
If i Then
strDir = Left(strPath, i - 1)
strPath = Mid(strPath, i + Len("\"))
strDir = strPath
strPath = ""
End If
If objFldr Is Nothing Then
Set objFldr = objNS.Folders(strDir)
On Error GoTo 0
Set objFldr = objFldr.Folders(strDir)
End If
Set OpenMAPIFolder = objFldr
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Function

MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure
End Function
Hey Eric. Thanks a lot for your answer. I think I am not that advanced yet.
That's why I am going to study a little more before trying your advices on
Thursday or Friday.