Outlook delete text issue

Jul 23, 2010
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I have an issues I would love some help with.

The first is, when I create (or reply/forward) an email and delete the text it staggers. If i right click on a miss-splet word it takes ages to load the spelling suggestion menu.

The laptop is good, new, w7, HP (more than powerful enough to run this).

I have also noticed that if I hold down the delete button to delete an entire paragraph that it does it letter by letter. So it is quite liteally goes: hold delete, pause, delete character, move the paragraph one space to the right, pause and then delete the next character. On other PC's it does this without the pause.

My comments on this are (if it helps): after deleting half a paragraph, pressing undo only un-does the last character deleted. Normally, if I delete a paragraph in one go and undo it restores the paragraph.

I thought it could be slow because it was trying to work out if the spelling was correct (or not) but even turning off the auto correction there was no change to this issue.

Any ideas?
