Outlook constantly crashing...



I've got a laptop running XP Pro & Office XP. My pst file is about 1.3 GB.
Lately, Outlook crashes alot. I have renamed/deleted the outcmd file, tried
opening using outlook /cleanview (said it wasn't a valid command?), removed
outlook & re-installed, although my pst file was still there & outlook
picked up on it like I never uninstalled it in the first place. Today I
created a new pst, copied everything to it & deleted the old one & about an
hour later, back to crashing again!
What else can I try or do?

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

I think the command line switch you were looking for was /cleanviews

Try that one just to be sure.

Also, what happens if you run with an empty new PST for a while. Do the
crashes occur?


I thought I had tried both cleanview & cleanviews.
Should that work on all versions of Outlook?
As far as the empty pst, just lave it open & running with it?
The crashes usually occur when working...

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

It definitely works on later versions.

Leave it open with the empty one to start with then copy your old data in
and see if it still fails.

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