I'm concerned that people's logon credentials to logon are not protected
when signing on, and the Live Mail/hotmail ID is the same as a person's
MSN Live Messenger ID. This would mean that a persons Messenger and
e-mail account could potentially be compromised. I can understand the
e-mail messages being in clear text, but concerned about the user
authentication process not being secured.
Is a person's signon or authentication into Hotmail/Livemail with Outlook
Connector secured so that their ID and Passwords are not easily captured?
Where can documentation on this process be found?
Diane Poremsky said:
Using a basic ip monitor, it shows both http and https connections.
FWIW, if security is important, you should not be using any of the free
web mail services.
Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
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Joe Rodriguez said:
Are Outlook Connector sessions with hotmail accounts secure? Or are the
messages between Outlook and Microsoft Hotmail/Live Mail servers in open
text? The Web client uses HTTPS to secure the communications via SSL,
but I haven't seen any documentation on the Outlook Connector sessions
being secured the same way.