Hi Cengiz,
Thank you for the posting. As you indicated clients can't logon to your
exchange server who use WinXP SP1. Others without SP1 can connect. It
starts after SP4.
In order to better understand this issue, please let me know what happens
when you are trying to connect to your exchange server. Please let me know
the exact error message word for word.
Regarding this issue, we are providing you with the following suggestions:
If Outlook 2002 or 2000 CW mode, create a new profile
Q287072 OL2002: How to Create a New E-mail Profile for Outlook
Q195718 OL2000: (CW) How to Create a New E-mail Profile for Outlook
If OL2000 IMO mode, create a new personal file.
Q195723 OL2000: (IMO) Creating a New Personal Folder (.pst) File for IMO
As Service Pack is usually related to security, let's check the Logon
network security
1. Go to Control Panel, Mail
2. Click E-mail Accounts button, select "View or change the existing e-mail
Please check to verify the "Deliver new email to the following location" is
correctly selected as your current Mailbox.
3. Click Change button and on the Exchange Server Settings page, click More
Settings button.
4. Click Advanced tab and verify the Logon network security is selected
correctly. Generally speaking, you can try the following two.
Password Authentication
Hope the above information and suggestion helps and answers your question.
If anything is unclear, please let me know.
Cherry Qian
MCSE2000, MCSA2000, MCDBA2000
Microsoft Partner Online Support
Get Secure! -
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