Outlook Calendar Sharing without Exchange Server

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I have written this code... to share the outlook calendar between two
computer. The code simply copies the calendar data from one computer to an
access database, which the other computer will use to load the appointments
from and vice versa. I need someone out there to test the code, and suggest
modifications, and the best way to run it without the end users knowledge.

To test it, you need to paste the code to a .vbs file, set up a system DSN
called "SharedAppointmentData" pointing to an access database with a table
named "Appointments" which contains the fields "EntryID, StartDate,
StartTime, EndDate, EndTime, Subject, Location, EntryID1".

Any suggestion is appreciated.

Best Regards,

Here is the code:
'Initialize variables
Dim olapp
Dim amptitem
Dim olAppointmentItem
Dim olFolderCalendar
Dim MAPINamespace
Dim MAPIFolder

Dim conAppointments
Dim rstAppointments

Dim strSQL

olAppointmentItem = 1
olFolderCalendar = 9

on error resume next


Sub InitializeObjects()

'Gets the active instance of Outlook
Set olapp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")

'Exits the procedure if outlook is not open
if err.number > 0 then
exit sub
end if

Set conAppointments = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rstAppointments = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

With conAppointments
..connectionstring = "dsn=SharedAppointmentData"
End With

With rstAppointments
..activeconnection = conAppointments
..LockType = 3
..CursorType = 1
End With



End Sub

'CreateAppointment False, "23/8/2006", "15:00", "23/8/2006", "15:30", "Test
appointment", "Test location"


Sub WriteOutgoingAppointments()
Set MAPINamespace = olapp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set MAPIFolder = MAPINamespace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar)
for i = 1 to mapifolder.items.count
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Appointments WHERE EntryID = '" &
mapifolder.items(i).EntryID & "'"
with rstAppointments
..source = strSQL
end with

if rstAppointments.RecordCount = 0 then
with rstAppointments
..Fields("EntryID") = mapifolder.items(i).EntryID
..Fields("StartDate") = datevalue(mapifolder.items(i).Start)
..Fields("StartTime") = timevalue(mapifolder.items(i).Start)
..Fields("EndDate") = datevalue(mapifolder.items(i).End)
..Fields("EndTime") = timevalue(mapifolder.items(i).End)
..Fields("Subject") = mapifolder.items(i).Subject
..Fields("Location") = mapifolder.items(i).Location
end with
end if

End Sub

Sub CreateIncomingAppointments()
With rstAppointments
..source = "SELECT * FROM Appointments"
End With

err.number = 0
For i = 1 to rstAppointments.RecordCount

on error resume next

MAPINamespace.GetItemFromID rstAppointments.Fields("EntryID").value

if err.number <> 0 then
err.number = 0

if isnull(rstAppointments.Fields("EntryID1").value) then
rstAppointments.Fields("EntryID1").value = CreateAppointment(False,
rstAppointments.Fields("StartDate"), rstAppointments.Fields("StartTime"),
rstAppointments.Fields("EndDate"), rstAppointments.Fields("EndTime"),
rstAppointments.Fields("Subject"), rstAppointments.Fields("Location"))
end if
end if

End Sub

Function CreateAppointment(boolAllDayEvent, dtStart, tmStart, dtEnd, tmEnd,
strSubject, strLocation)
Set apmtitem = olapp.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem)
With apmtitem
..AllDayEvent = boolAllDayEvent
..Start = DateValue(dtStart) + TimeValue(tmStart)
..End = DateValue(dtEnd) + TimeValue(tmEnd)
..Subject = strSubject
..Location = strLocation
CreateAppointment = .EntryID
End With
End Function