Thanks so much for your help with this. I've read through
all the materials you suggested and have at least gotten
to the point where I can open the correct form and send
the message. Now I have a problem on the receiving end.
How do I tell the system to use the newly created form
(which is now in the Personal Forms Folder) when it OPENS
the received POST? I've tried everthing suggested but in
every case, the system seems to default to the "standard"
form when I open the message to read it. Since I modifed
the top of the form and added information I need to be
transferred, all that info is lost (not visable). I have
set the default form to be my modifed form but noticed
that the wording on that field in the dialog box is "When
posting to this folder, use:" How do I set the default
for "when reading from this folder"?
all the materials you suggested and have at least gotten
to the point where I can open the correct form and send
the message. Now I have a problem on the receiving end.
How do I tell the system to use the newly created form
(which is now in the Personal Forms Folder) when it OPENS
the received POST? I've tried everthing suggested but in
every case, the system seems to default to the "standard"
form when I open the message to read it. Since I modifed
the top of the form and added information I need to be
transferred, all that info is lost (not visable). I have
set the default form to be my modifed form but noticed
that the wording on that field in the dialog box is "When
posting to this folder, use:" How do I set the default
for "when reading from this folder"?