Outlook and Outlook express wont remember passwords



No matter what I do, Outlook and/or Outlook Express won't
remember my password for my mail accounts. Even after
going into the server properties and entering the password
and checking the remember password box, it still prompts
for a password every time I open Outlook. Once a password
is typed in at the prompt it works fine, until I
disconnect from the the server. Any HELP would be
appreciated. I have loaded this same configuration on my
other machines and it works fine. The services/accounts
are set up o.k.. Just can't get Outlook to remember
password. It remembers it fine for Explorer.
Background: New Dell 8300 nothing else loaded but XP prof.

Carey Frisch [MVP]

This fix applies to Outlook and other programs that store passwords
in the Protected Storage System Provider sub-branch of the Registry.
It also corrects some issues with Internet Explorer and Autocomplete.
Visit: http://www.dougknox.com/xp/tips/xp_oe_passwords.htm

[Repair Courtesy of MS-MVP Doug Knox]

Your Outlook Express Password Is Not Retained in Windows 2000 or XP

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User


| No matter what I do, Outlook and/or Outlook Express won't
| remember my password for my mail accounts. Even after
| going into the server properties and entering the password
| and checking the remember password box, it still prompts
| for a password every time I open Outlook. Once a password
| is typed in at the prompt it works fine, until I
| disconnect from the the server. Any HELP would be
| appreciated. I have loaded this same configuration on my
| other machines and it works fine. The services/accounts
| are set up o.k.. Just can't get Outlook to remember
| password. It remembers it fine for Explorer.
| Background: New Dell 8300 nothing else loaded but XP prof.

Patrick Keenan

No matter what I do, Outlook and/or Outlook Express won't
remember my password for my mail accounts. Even after
going into the server properties and entering the password
and checking the remember password box, it still prompts
for a password every time I open Outlook. Once a password
is typed in at the prompt it works fine, until I
disconnect from the the server. Any HELP would be
appreciated. I have loaded this same configuration on my
other machines and it works fine. The services/accounts
are set up o.k.. Just can't get Outlook to remember
password. It remembers it fine for Explorer.
Background: New Dell 8300 nothing else loaded but XP prof.

This is a relatively common problem and fairly easy to fix - if you have the
directions and an administrator level account. The directions are availble
at the link below - you basically use Regedit to delete a key (protected
storage provider) and reset permissions. On restart, you'll need to
re-enter passwords, but it should be fine.

If your account isn't admin level, you can normally log into XP Home admin
in safe mode - the default password is blank (i.e., just press enter)

Here's the link:

Alternately, search Google for "Outlook forgets passwords". Search engines
are wonderfully useful tools.


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