Outlook and McAfee Error

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I am getting a strange error when I open up Microsoft Outlook that referrs to

Anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it. I tried debugging it
with no luck. I have unistalled and reinstalled McAfee.

This is what the error is saying.

The add in "c:\progra~1\mcafee.com\vso\vsolplg.dll" could not be installed
or loaded. This program may be resolved by using Dectect and Repair on the
help menu.

I have tried the Dectect and Repair within Outlook 2003 - no joy. I am new
to using Outlook so I am not sure if I am missing something there but find
suspect it is something with McAfee since it is that .dll it is missing.

I am using Win XP SP2

Windows 2003 Professional - Outlook 2003

Security Center Version 7, Build 7.0.317, Last Update: 8/22/06

Virus Scan Version 11, build 11.0.209, Last Update: 8/22/06, DAT Version:
48384.0000, DAT creation 8/21/06, Engine Verison: 5100.0194

Personal Firewall Verison 8, build 8.0.198, Last Update: 8/22/06

Site Advisor Version 1.6, Build 1.36.3459

Is this still scanning those incoming emails then? And how do I fix this?

Eyz said:
I am getting a strange error when I open up Microsoft Outlook that
referrs to McAfee.

Anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it. I tried
debugging it with no luck. I have unistalled and reinstalled McAfee.

This is what the error is saying.

The add in "c:\progra~1\mcafee.com\vso\vsolplg.dll" could not be
installed or loaded. This program may be resolved by using Dectect
and Repair on the help menu.

Does that file exist? If not, look in Tools>Options>Other>Advanced
Options>COM Add-Ins and Add-In Manager to see if any references to McAfee
files exist and remove them if they do. It none exists, with Outlook
closed, delete the file %AppData%\Microsoft\Outlook\extend.dat
I have tried the Dectect and Repair within Outlook 2003 - no joy.

I'm not surprised. It's not an Outlook problem.
Is this still scanning those incoming emails then? And how do I fix

You should not be scanning mail anyway. It only causes problems. Outlook
2003's internal security, the fact that your AV program's on-access scanner
continues to run, and the fact that you're smart enough not to open any
unknown and unchecked attachments will keep you perfectly safe.
That file does not exist anymore with the new McAfee Online Security Suite.
I looked on my old hard drive and it was with the old Virsus Scan Online.

It is referenced in the add-ons. And at one point in time McAfee did have
this file.

Actually, yes I should still should be scanning emails as I have 'friends'
who sent me embedding virses and keyloggers and not know they did it. I know
not to click on unknown email, etc.

I just don't want any problems. I can't afford it really.

Eyz said:
That file does not exist anymore with the new McAfee Online Security
Suite. I looked on my old hard drive and it was with the old Virsus
Scan Online.

So, did you delete the extend.dat file like I said?
Actually, yes I should still should be scanning emails as I have
'friends' who sent me embedding virses and keyloggers and not know
they did it. I know not to click on unknown email, etc.

Actually "no". If you know people send you attachments that may be
infected, either delete the message without opening the attchment, then save
the attachment to disk so your AV program can scan them when the file is
created. Simply never open an attachment in mail. Problem solved, never a
need to scan the mail itself and never a problem in Outlook because the mail
scanner isn't written correctly or interferes in the timing between Outlook
and the server.
No I haven't deleted the file, I unticked it.

And I really should scan the emails. I run a business from my computer. I
can't tell who I know and who I don't. What is a new email out of the blue
needing help and our business does get virsus from time to time. I can tell
you the majority of the spam but not all of the spam. I have been scanning
my email for years with not a single virus making it to harad drive.

Thanks for your help.
Eyz said:
And I really should scan the emails. I run a business from my
computer. I can't tell who I know and who I don't. What is a new
email out of the blue needing help and our business does get virsus
from time to time. I can tell you the majority of the spam but not
all of the spam. I have been scanning my email for years with not a
single virus making it to harad drive.

The point I'm trying to make is that you SHOULD save it and scan it before
trying to open it.
I guess it doesn't matter now it won't let me send or recieve. I get some
system error. What I don't get is this was fine 48 hours ago. The problem
wasn't McAfee. I installed Norton...same problem

I can't find where to open the 'registry editor' to delete the file you want
me to delete and to change it.

I don't get it.
Eyz said:
I can't find where to open the 'registry editor' to delete the file
you want me to delete and to change it.

Who said anything about deleting the file using the Registry Editor? It's a
WIndows file. Use Windows Explorer. Open Windows Explorer and, in the
Address field, enter


Click Go. You'll then see the file. With Outlook closed, delete it.