Hi there
Is there a VBA expert who can help me with the following request?
I have a database that has hyperlinks to cases already formed
What we would like is, for example, if we wanted these cases to be auto hyperlinked to the databases from the body of an email?
E.G sample body of text
Hi there - your case is CRS1111
This CRS is then hyperlinked to http://database/csrs/11111
So the identifier is the keyword CRS and anything after is the reference or variable that it needs for the hyperlink
Is this possible in VBA?
Is there a VBA expert who can help me with the following request?
I have a database that has hyperlinks to cases already formed
What we would like is, for example, if we wanted these cases to be auto hyperlinked to the databases from the body of an email?
E.G sample body of text
Hi there - your case is CRS1111
This CRS is then hyperlinked to http://database/csrs/11111
So the identifier is the keyword CRS and anything after is the reference or variable that it needs for the hyperlink
Is this possible in VBA?