2007 ver.
XP with latest updates as well for GE Force FX 5200 card.
When I select Business contacts (not Outlook contacts) every 5 seconds approx the screen resorts and returns to the last item selected. Makes it impossible to scroll and find objects.
It may possibly happen in other BCM screens but it only happens in the contacts part of the screen, the rest does not "flicker" and change. When I hit a drop down on the nav bar, the resort stops until it goes away.
Any ideas?
Brian Tillman wrote:
Re: Outlook 2007 Refresh inbox
Exchange account
Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]
Previous Posts In This Thread:
Outlook 2007 Refresh inbox
Installed Outlook 2007 with BCM - life is good... EXCEPT - when new mail
arrives, it does not show indicator near the clock (yes, turned on) and more
importantly, I have to click on another folder then go back to the inbox to
refresh the inbox and see the message. Any ideas?
Re: Outlook 2007 Refresh inbox
Exchange account
Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]
Part I Brand new computer...
Part I
Brand new computer... no other software installed except Microsoft products,
the only product with Outlook is BCM. Would that be the problem? If yes,
how to fix
I noticed a few other people in the listing are having the same problem(just
describing with different words) . The mail is likely in the inbox, but I
can' t see it until I click on any other folder, then click on the inbox
Part I
Created another formatted version of quickparts, still can't autocorrect or
use other keyboard shortcuts.
Re: Outlook 2007 Refresh inbox
I have seen posts describing problems with BCM. You should be able t
uninstall it with the install wizard for Office in Add or Remove Programs
Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]
OK, do you mean uninstall and reinstall or uninstall and don't use the product?
OK, do you mean uninstall and reinstall or uninstall and don't use the
product? I was sort of looking forward to losing ACT and Quickbooks and
going pure microsoft with business contact manager, and Microsoft accounting.
Can't switch to Microsoft CRM because we don't use a server... but this issue
is a bit more than a nusiance... the inbox folder also reverts to sorting the
from column... so I have to click on another folder, click on inbox, click on
date, scroll up several pages of messages, then click on the new email
message... seems like an awful lot of work to read an email.
Re: Outlook 2007 Refresh inbox
I mean uninstall it and see if that affects the outcome. It will be up t
you to decide whether or not you will reinstall or do without, if it doe
affect the outcome
Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]
Sort and View issue in Business Contact Manager.
Business contact manager Outlook 2007 has this issue of resorting the Business contacts screen (not the regular contacts screen) and returning to whichever contact I had selected. This happens every 5 seconds (approx) or so and prevents me from finding or selecting Business contacts.
I am single user.
Have an updated video driver (just got reinstalled).
Windows XP with latest updates.
Machine is older but recently put in new processor and ram.
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