Hi Diane,
See post to neo.
I connect to 5 servers - only HAL is in my building. The one that says " +OK list of SASL
extensions follows" is a Yahoo Web hosting mail server I use (in Sunnyvale I think).
Its just that Office 2007 is not yet in general release - yet heaps of people (developers etc.) are having slowdowns receiving POP3 mail !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am trying to raise awareness so that people smarter than me can do a bit more testing before its too late.
Again, HTH.
How many servers do you connect to? I've never had a problem popping 3
accounts on 2 different servers. The only issue I've ever had was with
postmark enabled (a junk email setting) - outbound mail eventually hangs in
the outbox and inbound mail appears to hang - it well beyond on a
description of "slow" as it actually stops sending or recieving mail.
Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Need Help with Common Tasks?
Outlook 2007:
Good evening,
OK, LOL !!

I did the trace and it shows OL 2007 POP3'ing as a total
disaster as I expected.
I noticed some POP3 servers delay a few seconds *or more* before
responding -ERR etc.
I won't post the entire log as it has all my personal stuff. but I'll
post some lines that matter.
My local server (HAL) of course...
2007.01.02 13:04:47 POP3 (hal): Authorizing to server
2007.01.02 13:04:47 POP3 (hal): [tx] AUTH
2007.01.02 13:04:47 POP3 (hal): <rx> -ERR Command is not valid in this state
2007.01.02 13:04:47 POP3 (mail.bigpond.com): <rx> +OK POP3 server ready.
2007.01.02 13:04:47 POP3 (mail.bigpond.com): Authorizing to server
2007.01.02 13:04:47 POP3 (mail.bigpond.com): [tx] AUTH
2007.01.02 13:04:47 POP3 (mail.bigpond.com): <rx> -ERR An authentication
mechanism MUST be entered
2007.01.02 13:04:47 POP3 (mira.net): Connected to host
2007.01.02 13:04:47 POP3 (mira.net): <rx> +OK POP3 Ready mailproxy2 0001bff0
2007.01.02 13:04:47 POP3 (mira.net): Authorizing
2007.01.02 13:04:47 POP3 (mira.net): [tx] AUTH
***************** note 3 seconds later ***********
2007.01.02 13:04:50 POP3 (mira.net): <rx> -ERR Mate, the command must be one
And so on. Actually one server responded with "<rx> +OK list of SASL
extensions follows"
so that must be compliant with some RFC that OL 2007 likes.!!!
The point is, MOST POP3's are not going to like AUTH as the first command.
So does MS expect users to put up with all this slowness? Telling them the
PST file is too big?
Or are they going to address the ROOT CAUSE.
I'm betting the Outlook team are already working on a fix! ;-)
Hey, btw, you don't need my traces - try it yourself.
BOOL Happy;
Happy = TRUE;
Have_a_Happy_New_Year = Happy;
Hope I am helping here???
Kind regards,
OE/Outlook issues the AUTH command in order to determine what mechanisms the
server supports. It's possible Outlook is getting back something it
doesn't expect. Can you supply the complete telnet/trace log or tell us the
pop3 server name so that it can be investigated?
Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Need Help with Common Tasks?
Outlook 2007:
Calling all MVPs.
I was wondering why my OL 2007 was 10 times slower than OL 2003 ? So is the
rest of the planet:
** I have found probable reason! ***
Netmon trace of IP traffic shows OL 2007 sending AUTH <crlf> instead of
Trace of OL 2003 shows correct USER<crlf> as first command (after TCP
connect of port 110 of course).
So, can I ask if MS intend to release an update for that?
Guys, this is so bad that there will be a few million teddy bears out there
who blindly upgrade to OL 2007 only to find that their POP3 email Send/Rec
is 10% of its usual speed!!
Sending AUTH as the first command to most POP3 servers of course results in:
" -ERR An authentication mechanism MUST be entered"
As per......
+OK POP3 server ready.
-ERR An authentication mechanism MUST be entered
+OK please send PASS command
Someone please tell me I'm dreaming...