on windows XP Outlook 2007 - i performed on someones' computer File>Archive>use the date to 1/1/2010 and tried to archive all the mail that were modified before 1/1/10.
the person complained he lost all e-mails from 1/9/2010, and also some of the e-mails from 9/2010 did not archived at all.
how is that possible ?
what should i do? he has a lot of folders under his inbox, i cant perform draging.
thank you
on windows XP Outlook 2007 - i performed on someones' computer File>Archive>use the date to 1/1/2010 and tried to archive all the mail that were modified before 1/1/10.
the person complained he lost all e-mails from 1/9/2010, and also some of the e-mails from 9/2010 did not archived at all.
how is that possible ?
what should i do? he has a lot of folders under his inbox, i cant perform draging.
thank you