Outlook 2007 crashes 10 times a day



Hi all,

Ever since I installed Outlook 2007, it's been crashing on me at least 10
times a day. In fact, it seems that every time I send an email, update a
contact or change an appointment, it crashes. On top of that, it is very,
very slow.

In fact, I'm seriously comtemplating installing back my trusty old Outlook
2003. Does Microsoft plan to release any newer, more stable beta or even a
final version in the near future?

Please help, thanks!


Laura Rooke

have you uninstalled previous versions ? I am running OUTLOOK 2007 without
any major problems along with quite a few others.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

If you have Adobe Acrobat pdfmaker plug-in installed, remove it from
Add/Remove Program using the Acrobat options.

Whether or not Microsoft will release an updated build to its non-technical
beta users (meaning those who downloaded it from the public beta site) is
not known. Typically, Microsoft only makes one version available publicly
but updates are available for the technical beta testers, as well as newer

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, CQ asked:

| Hi all,
| Ever since I installed Outlook 2007, it's been crashing on me at
| least 10 times a day. In fact, it seems that every time I send an
| email, update a contact or change an appointment, it crashes. On top
| of that, it is very, very slow.
| In fact, I'm seriously comtemplating installing back my trusty old
| Outlook 2003. Does Microsoft plan to release any newer, more stable
| beta or even a final version in the near future?
| Please help, thanks!
| CQ



I've already removed Adobe Acorbat, but it still crashes.

"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]"


I've never seen a more unstable beta thank god I kept a backup of everything.
The program locks-up almost everytime i access it then it has problems
accessing the server, keeps asking for passwords although i have everything
set correctly. This is while only using Hotmail and MSN I dont trust my
corporate mail on it. During the upgrade process 20-30 mesg's were missing i
was able to import them. I dont have to metion how slow it is. I haven't
tried the other applications yet I dont have time!

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

DIsable all add-ins using Tools | Trust Center. More than likely, one of them is causing the crashes.

Did you download and install the new Connector released post-beta 2?

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

Patrick Schmid

You really should make sure that Adobe Acrobat Pro's Outlook & Office
plugins are removed. Those plugins are the most common cause for Outlook
2007 crashing.
If you are experiencing issues, check if you have the safe problems in
safe mode (Start, run, "outlook.exe /safe"). If you don't, then the most
likely cause is some add-in you have installed that isn't compatible
with Outlook 2007.

Patrick Schmid



I noticed something else - whenever I read, delete, reply or forward emails
in my Inbox folder, it takes a long time before I can move on to work on the
next email in the folder. It always displays "Waiting to update folder"
(synchronizing or updating Exchange in my office) and takes a long, long

Could there be a problem with updating Exchange? Can I do any settings in
either Exchange (in my company server) or my Outlook 2007 to speed up the
updating of the folders?

Please help, thanks!


Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

If you have an MSN Premium or Outlook Live account and want to try to get it to work with Outlook 2007, you can download a new version of the Outlook Connector from http://g.msn.com/0CR1033/3.

For best results, either create a new mail profile or delete the old MSN account and create a new one after you install the new connector.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers


My Outlook Beta has been crashing everytime I open a new email, or forward a
mail just received. Took Sue's advice and disabled the Add-Ins but there has
been no change. Wonder what else could be the matter?

Also Outlook is very slow - I have a high end laptop for home-use with 512mb
RAM and with Office 2003, thigs would blaze along.

Love everything about Outlook 2007 except the frequent crashes and slow

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