Having a few issues with Outlook calendar, which I am hoping some nice
MVP out there can help with, or if not, at least someone within MS
might be able to log these bugs/enhancement requests for a future
a) An old issue, annoying most users: Annual events get a reminder
added to them, so when sync'd with a mobile phone/PDA, you get an
annoying reminder at midnight - not ideal with kids! Can the reminder
check-box be enhanced to have another one under it for "Include Annual
Events" - defaulting to NO would be most people's favourite I think!
In trying to sort (a), I was using using the Calendar / View / Current
View / Annual Events option to figure out which had alarms and which
didn't. Used the Field Chooser option to add the Reminder column, and
then was able to click all of the annoying little bells next to each
one. (maybe that could be added as a default, if (a) takes a while to
Then I realised I had quite a few duplicates of some annual events.
Weird, as I would have only added them once...
b) I removed some duplicates, leaving one of each item. Some are now
removed from the main calendar however - agghhh! They are there OK in
the Annual Events view, but not in the Day/Week/Month view. One part
of the calendar has them, but the other part denies all knowledge?!
How?! Why?!
c) Going back to the "Annual Events" view, I find some of the items
STILL have duplicates, and alarms, even though I had just cleared the
alarms and removed the duplicates. Was there a limit to the number
shown in the list (eg: 3 per item) the first time around?
So, in trying to figure out which are which (current calendar vs
archive calendars maybe?), I added the "Outlook Data File" column
using the Field Chooser, in the hope to figure out which one they were
from, and so adjust remove them from the current calendar only.
d) The "Outlook Data File" column shows as blank, even though I have 4
calendars setup (1 x current, 3 x archive) - this would be useful to
see. Is it used in the calendar views?
e) If I use the Calendar / View / Current View / Outlook Data Files
option, a lot of items are shown, but again, nothing in the data file
column - if no use, why have the option in the menu?
f) If I "open" (click on) the various calendars, the quantity and
types of event change, so clearly there is a mix of dates in use over
the calendars. Is there one view to see them all? I cannot select
multiple calendars (eg: CTRL-CLICK'ing them)
So, I am a little confused. I had multiples of some events, some also
with alarms. I cleaned them up, some came back, some went from my main
calendar somehow, yet still manage to show up in the annual events -
not that useful! The birthdays, incidentally, are still shown OK in
the contact record for them, just not in the main calendar any more.
Any ideas on this mess?
FYI - I use a Nokia suite to sync to my N85 phone and ActiveSync to
sync to my IPAQ PDA. Do these/Outlook get messed up between the
various data types?
Yours, confused,
Having a few issues with Outlook calendar, which I am hoping some nice
MVP out there can help with, or if not, at least someone within MS
might be able to log these bugs/enhancement requests for a future

a) An old issue, annoying most users: Annual events get a reminder
added to them, so when sync'd with a mobile phone/PDA, you get an
annoying reminder at midnight - not ideal with kids! Can the reminder
check-box be enhanced to have another one under it for "Include Annual
Events" - defaulting to NO would be most people's favourite I think!
In trying to sort (a), I was using using the Calendar / View / Current
View / Annual Events option to figure out which had alarms and which
didn't. Used the Field Chooser option to add the Reminder column, and
then was able to click all of the annoying little bells next to each
one. (maybe that could be added as a default, if (a) takes a while to
Then I realised I had quite a few duplicates of some annual events.
Weird, as I would have only added them once...
b) I removed some duplicates, leaving one of each item. Some are now
removed from the main calendar however - agghhh! They are there OK in
the Annual Events view, but not in the Day/Week/Month view. One part
of the calendar has them, but the other part denies all knowledge?!
How?! Why?!
c) Going back to the "Annual Events" view, I find some of the items
STILL have duplicates, and alarms, even though I had just cleared the
alarms and removed the duplicates. Was there a limit to the number
shown in the list (eg: 3 per item) the first time around?
So, in trying to figure out which are which (current calendar vs
archive calendars maybe?), I added the "Outlook Data File" column
using the Field Chooser, in the hope to figure out which one they were
from, and so adjust remove them from the current calendar only.
d) The "Outlook Data File" column shows as blank, even though I have 4
calendars setup (1 x current, 3 x archive) - this would be useful to
see. Is it used in the calendar views?
e) If I use the Calendar / View / Current View / Outlook Data Files
option, a lot of items are shown, but again, nothing in the data file
column - if no use, why have the option in the menu?
f) If I "open" (click on) the various calendars, the quantity and
types of event change, so clearly there is a mix of dates in use over
the calendars. Is there one view to see them all? I cannot select
multiple calendars (eg: CTRL-CLICK'ing them)
So, I am a little confused. I had multiples of some events, some also
with alarms. I cleaned them up, some came back, some went from my main
calendar somehow, yet still manage to show up in the annual events -
not that useful! The birthdays, incidentally, are still shown OK in
the contact record for them, just not in the main calendar any more.
Any ideas on this mess?
FYI - I use a Nokia suite to sync to my N85 phone and ActiveSync to
sync to my IPAQ PDA. Do these/Outlook get messed up between the
various data types?
Yours, confused,