Emmaf said:
Outlook 2003 stopped sending emails out. I can recieve reply, but not send a
new email.
Oh yeah, lots of details there. Being detailed, like showing the exact
error message, just gets in the way of providing detailed responses. This
is how you introduce your query to strangers who have no prior experience in
YOUR personal problem and YOUR software setup?
--- Posting Hints ---
ALWAYS REVIEW your message before submitting it. You want someone OTHER
than yourself to understand your post. Also remember that no one here is
looking over your shoulder to see at what you are pointing. If you don't
well explain your situation by providing the details that you already know,
don't expect others to know what is your situation. Explain YOUR computing
environment and just what actions you take to reproduce the problem.
Often you get just one chance per potential respondent to elicit a reply
from them. If they skip your post because you gave them nothing to go on
(no details, no versions, no OS, no context) then they will usually move on
to the next post and never return to yours.
What is Usenet:
When using a webnews-for-dummies interface (e.g., Microsoft's Communities,
Google Groups, or a leech site using a forum-to-Usenet proxy), those are
gateways to Usenet. Despite the pretense of a forum, you are participating
in a newsgroup (aka Usenet).
How to post to newsgroups:
Regarding error or status messages:
- Do NOT omit the message.
- Do NOT describe the message.
- Do NOT summarize the message.
- Do NOT paraphrase the message.
- Do NOT truncate the message.
- Do show the ENTIRE message (but munge or star out personal info,
like your username in an e-mail address but not the domain).
- DETAIL the steps to reproduce the error or problem.