Outlook 2003 & Pocket PC voice



I run a pocket pc IPAQ 3950. Outlook 2003 was just installed on my computer.
I have lost some NOTES functionality. If I make a recording on PPC it should
show up as a recording in NOTES in Outlook. It does not. All I see is a
envelope icon. I had this problem before with 2002 but I can't remember the
solution, neither could I find anything on the net, so as always, any help
is appreciated.


Brian Tillman

RD said:
I run a pocket pc IPAQ 3950. Outlook 2003 was just installed on my
computer. I have lost some NOTES functionality. If I make a recording
on PPC it should show up as a recording in NOTES in Outlook. It does
not. All I see is a envelope icon. I had this problem before with
2002 but I can't remember the solution, neither could I find anything
on the net, so as always, any help is appreciated.

Use ActiveSync's Explore function to locate the WAV file and drag it to your

Brian Tillman

RD said:
Yes, that works, but I would prefer to have it synchronize the
correct way.

You can prefer all you want, but at the end of the day, you have to use what
works. WAV files won't sync through Notes.

As another alternative, move the WAV file to the My Dcuments folder on the
PDA and sync with the Files option in ActiveSync.

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