Dear all
despite of searching for days now, I couldn't find a solution to th
following problem
We are a 3-person team in a small news agency, that all three hav
access to a mailbox that is hosted on an exchange system. We us
Outlook 2003 on our workstations
If we get new emails, we sort the ones out that are worthy to rea
later and drop them into a subfolder of that mailbox. Let's call tha
subfolder "to_check". The chief editor then checks this folder once
day and then deletes the emails or moves them further to othe
Now, we have a new colleague in our neighbouring office that does vide
productions. So she is also interested in getting all these emails tha
where dropped into "to_check"
Now how can we manage it, that every email we drop into "to_check" i
forwarded to this colleague's email adress or to a public subfolder o
her mailbox? These emails should be moved immediately, becaus
sometimes there are urgent informations in these emails. Also, ever
email should just be forwarded once, as it is dropped into the folde
(no duplicates).
I fear that one solution is to put a macro on all our 3 workstation
that does the job, but my experience with macros is slim. If there i
an other option to do that, I would prefer it. But if it should be
macro, I would be happy to see a proposal, if that doesn't cause to
much troubles or takes too much time for an experienced reader..
Thanks for any help and hint on this subject
despite of searching for days now, I couldn't find a solution to th
following problem
We are a 3-person team in a small news agency, that all three hav
access to a mailbox that is hosted on an exchange system. We us
Outlook 2003 on our workstations
If we get new emails, we sort the ones out that are worthy to rea
later and drop them into a subfolder of that mailbox. Let's call tha
subfolder "to_check". The chief editor then checks this folder once
day and then deletes the emails or moves them further to othe
Now, we have a new colleague in our neighbouring office that does vide
productions. So she is also interested in getting all these emails tha
where dropped into "to_check"
Now how can we manage it, that every email we drop into "to_check" i
forwarded to this colleague's email adress or to a public subfolder o
her mailbox? These emails should be moved immediately, becaus
sometimes there are urgent informations in these emails. Also, ever
email should just be forwarded once, as it is dropped into the folde
(no duplicates).
I fear that one solution is to put a macro on all our 3 workstation
that does the job, but my experience with macros is slim. If there i
an other option to do that, I would prefer it. But if it should be
macro, I would be happy to see a proposal, if that doesn't cause to
much troubles or takes too much time for an experienced reader..
Thanks for any help and hint on this subject