Outlook 2003 New Mail Inspector Q

  • Thread starter Thread starter jpuopolo
  • Start date Start date



I have developed an Outlook 2003 Add-In (VSTO/.NET/C#) that recognizes
when a new mail Inspector is created - it attaches a menu and things
work fine.

I would like to be able, when the user click on my menu, to read the
names in the To and CC fields of the new mail (prior to any Send event
being triggered).

How can my add-in access to the To and CC edit fields of the New Mail

Many thanks,
Inspector.CurrentItem will return the current MailItem object (unless your
code works with other items too). From there you can loop through all the
recipients in the MailItem.Recipients collection. The recipient kind
(olTo/olCC/olBCC) is returned by the Recipient.Type property.

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool

My MailItem.Recipients list is empty -- even though I have several
names in the To field.
I am accessing the MailItem via:

Outlook.MailItem mailItem = ActiveInspector().CurrentItem as

And when the mailItem is non-null, I attempt to loop through the
Recipients collection - which contains 0 names...


Do I need to somehow access the actual edit pane the recipient text is
in? How?


I get a resolved name (I type in someone's name to whom I have sent an
e-mail before, and I get the resolved name - at least it appears to be
a resolved name).

I make this call when the user selects my custom menu. The command
handler needs to get whatever text is in the "To" and "CC" fields of
the New Mail Item window. The names may or may not be resolved.

Maybe I need to actually access the window/pane or something where the
text resides?

What happens if you click away from that To/CC/BCC edit to, say, the body of
the message, and only then click your custom menu?

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool

Hi.. Thanks for the follow up. I actually solved the problem by called
myMailItem.Save() before trying to access the To, CC, and BCC fields.
Once the item is saved (by default to the Drafts folder), everything
works well - the only side effect being a copy of the message is in the
Drafts folder.
