Outlook 2003 Find functionality

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My company is planning to use Outlook2003 in a POP3 environment.

I cannot find an explanation of how Find/Advanced Find works -- how the
searches are constructed. In the "help" file, it says you can "search for
items based on a word or phrase."

Using the basic Find tool, when a string of words is entered into the
prompt, the space between the words is apparently treated as an AND. If quote
marks are placed around that string, no items are found. The same is true
with the Messages tab in Advanced Find.

I would like to be able to construct a search for a phrase. I would also
like to be able to construct a Boolean search, using OR and NOT. How do I do

As for the Advanced tab in Advanced Find, well, I haven't been able to
figure out which field name actually applies to the body of the message.
Maybe that's a second question -- what do these field names actually map to?

Thanks for any and all assistance. I'm frustrated with my inability to find
answers to what seem to be very simple questions.
from the In dropdown, choose subject and messages - in the advanced tab,
Messages field or use QueryBuilder if you want real OR searches - if you use
Advanced tab and enter
Messages contains this_word
Messages contains that_word
it's OR'd - but
From Mary
Messages contain this_word
is an AND

Thanks, I appreciate the info. I'm not sure it answers all of my questions.

1. What is the search strategy of the Basic Find? Can one use Basic Find to
search for phrases? If so, how?

2. If I use the Advanced Find, Messages tab, can I search for phrases? If
so, how?

3. Do I correctly understand you: Even if I use the Advanced Find, Advanced
tab, I must first select the In option from the Messages tab? This seems to
say that the field chosen in the Advanced tab is ignored.

4. Is there documentation of the fields listed in the Advanced Find,
Advanced tab?

I'm preparing training and documentation assistance for my users, who want
to be able to find an e-mail containing a specific word or phrase and do so
easily. The apparent inability to do phrase searching is a problem.

Thanks again.