NEVER import items from an outlook.pst into Outlook - it is a sure path to corruption. Simply OPEN the .pst file using File->Open->Outlook Data File. Besides, if the OP configures the new profile correctly, the .pst file will already be connected to it.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
After furious head scratching, ouser asked:
| Not a techie here but I have had the same problem. I think that your
| Outlook profile is corrupt. You can create a new one and import the
| messages again from your backup.
| To create a new profile go to:
| Control Panel>User Accounts>Mail
| Click on Show Profiles
| Click on Add
| Type in a name for the new profile, e.g. Albert
| Follow the on screen prompts to set up your e-mail account
| Once you finish doing this, go back to the Show Profiles box and the
| delete the corrupt profile (probably named "Outlook")
| Launch Outlook and re-import your messages.
| Of course, before you do any of this, it would be a prudent thing to
| back up your .pst files.
| Good luck!
| || i am new to the outlook software; currently beginning to use outlook
|| 2003. i am receiving duplicate emails in my in-box; including all
|| the emails i imported from my web based email, yahoo.
|| how do i fix this problem?
|| many thanks for any and every ones helpful guidance.
|| happy new year,
|| technot
|| --
|| "the world will not solve it''s current problems with like-minded
|| thinking."
|| -Albert Einstein