Outlook 2003 automatic e-mail preview

  • Thread starter Thread starter Riccardo Romano
  • Start date Start date

Riccardo Romano

Is there any way, in Outlook 2003, to disable the
automatic e-mail preview? The problem is in my
reluctance, to the opening of messages I would
rather not even receive.
The easiest way would be to create a new shortcut to Outlook, and then go
into the shortcut properties and add the /NoPreview switch to the target.

Riccardo Romano said:
Is there any way, in Outlook 2003, to disable the
automatic e-mail preview? The problem is in my
reluctance, to the opening of messages I would
rather not even receive.

Click View>Reading Pane>Off
Sorry, but still fogbound. I did create a shortcut
of Outlook.exe, but did not find a NoPreviw switch
on the properties. Neither I found, highlighting a
folder in Outlook, a possibility to change the
View to Reading Pane Off. Is it possible that my
italian version is different from yours?
All my thanks for your help.
Riccardo Romano

"Riccardo Romano" <[email protected]> ha scritto
nel messaggio
news:O%[email protected]...
It's not something you find, it's something you add. Go into the properties
and find the field named Target, or the Italian equivelant. At the end of
the line, where it says, "Outlook.exe" add a space and then "/NoPreview".
