Jeremy Hopf
Setup is as follows:
Running Outlook XP Sp2 on a W2K Pro machine which connects
to an IMAP server, and also an LDAP server.
Contacts are stored in the .pst file, and there are 3 sets
of "local" contacts, one set lives in the "Contacts"
folder, and the other two live in subfolders of the
contacts folder (lets call them folder a and b)
There are 2 LDAP entries (2 OU's, one for people, and one
for distribution lists) setup off the same server...
Effectivly with the local contact lists, appearing as 5
different contact lists to Outlook XP..
The search order is set to use the two LDAP servers, then
the 3 local contacts folders. I have verrified that all
5 folders work correctly on their own, but see problem
So when composing a new message, I type a name into
the "To" field and hit the "Check Names" button (little
check mark next to a picture of a head) If there is only
one possibility Outlook XP performs the search as I
believe it should, but if there are several "suggestions"
from the two LDAP queries; however, there are no
suggestions from any of the local contacts.. If I
search for something that has no suggestions in either
LDAP directory it will list the proper suggestions from
the local contacts properly.. If I change the order which
they are searched I get varring results.. (none of which
seem to follow any simple rule)
Is this a bug? Is there a detailed explaination of how it
will behave? Any suggestions?
Anyone who can shed some light on this behavior would be
much appreciated..
Thank you,
Help Desk Analyst
Vixel Corporation
Running Outlook XP Sp2 on a W2K Pro machine which connects
to an IMAP server, and also an LDAP server.
Contacts are stored in the .pst file, and there are 3 sets
of "local" contacts, one set lives in the "Contacts"
folder, and the other two live in subfolders of the
contacts folder (lets call them folder a and b)
There are 2 LDAP entries (2 OU's, one for people, and one
for distribution lists) setup off the same server...
Effectivly with the local contact lists, appearing as 5
different contact lists to Outlook XP..
The search order is set to use the two LDAP servers, then
the 3 local contacts folders. I have verrified that all
5 folders work correctly on their own, but see problem
So when composing a new message, I type a name into
the "To" field and hit the "Check Names" button (little
check mark next to a picture of a head) If there is only
one possibility Outlook XP performs the search as I
believe it should, but if there are several "suggestions"
from the two LDAP queries; however, there are no
suggestions from any of the local contacts.. If I
search for something that has no suggestions in either
LDAP directory it will list the proper suggestions from
the local contacts properly.. If I change the order which
they are searched I get varring results.. (none of which
seem to follow any simple rule)
Is this a bug? Is there a detailed explaination of how it
will behave? Any suggestions?
Anyone who can shed some light on this behavior would be
much appreciated..
Thank you,
Help Desk Analyst
Vixel Corporation