Outlook 2002 :Cannot display 'From' field



Hi everybody.

For some reason, I cannot display the 'From' field in the message window of
the Inbox folder.
If I try to add the field by doing Menu Display > Current Display >
Personnalize Display (sorry, I am using the French version of Outlook, and I
don't know what everything translates into the English version), then
clicking on the 'Fields' button and Add field, Oulook stops responding and I
get the usual MS error message, proposing to send an error report to

I just cannot correlate this problem with anything I could have done. I have
a stable system, I didn't install anything, and, otherwise, Outlook is
working properly.
I tried to 'repair' Outlook, restart, etc. to no avail.

Anybody ?

thank you very much in adavance for your kind help.

With best regards,


Hi Robert,

Thank you for your message.

I get the event code '1000'.

Does it mean anything special ?

best regards,
"Roady [MVP]" <newsgroups_DELETE_@_DELETE_sparnaaij_NO_._SPAM_net> a écrit
dans le message de
What is being logged to the Event Viewer regarding this crash?

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

Daniel said:
Hi everybody.

For some reason, I cannot display the 'From' field in the message window
the Inbox folder.
If I try to add the field by doing Menu Display > Current Display >
Personnalize Display (sorry, I am using the French version of Outlook, and
don't know what everything translates into the English version), then
clicking on the 'Fields' button and Add field, Oulook stops responding and
get the usual MS error message, proposing to send an error report to

I just cannot correlate this problem with anything I could have done. I
a stable system, I didn't install anything, and, otherwise, Outlook is
working properly.
I tried to 'repair' Outlook, restart, etc. to no avail.

Anybody ?

thank you very much in adavance for your kind help.

With best regards,

Roady [MVP]

Did you kill the process manually? What is being displayed in the details?

You could try resetting your views;
Start-> Run; outlook.exe /cleanviews

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

Daniel said:
Hi Robert,

Thank you for your message.

I get the event code '1000'.

Does it mean anything special ?

best regards,
"Roady [MVP]" <newsgroups_DELETE_@_DELETE_sparnaaij_NO_._SPAM_net> a écrit
dans le message de
What is being logged to the Event Viewer regarding this crash?

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

Daniel said:
Hi everybody.

For some reason, I cannot display the 'From' field in the message
the Inbox folder.
If I try to add the field by doing Menu Display > Current Display >
Personnalize Display (sorry, I am using the French version of Outlook, and
don't know what everything translates into the English version), then
clicking on the 'Fields' button and Add field, Oulook stops responding and
get the usual MS error message, proposing to send an error report to

I just cannot correlate this problem with anything I could have done. I
a stable system, I didn't install anything, and, otherwise, Outlook is
working properly.
I tried to 'repair' Outlook, restart, etc. to no avail.

Anybody ?

thank you very much in adavance for your kind help.

With best regards,


Hello Robert.

I just did what you suggested, i.e. resetting the views, and it worked!
Everything is back to normal. I still don't know what happened, but...
Thank you so much for your kind help and time. I really appreciate it.

Best regards,

"Roady [MVP]" <newsgroups_DELETE_@_DELETE_sparnaaij_NO_._SPAM_net> a écrit
dans le message de
Did you kill the process manually? What is being displayed in the details?

You could try resetting your views;
Start-> Run; outlook.exe /cleanviews

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

Daniel said:
Hi Robert,

Thank you for your message.

I get the event code '1000'.

Does it mean anything special ?

best regards,
"Roady [MVP]" <newsgroups_DELETE_@_DELETE_sparnaaij_NO_._SPAM_net> a écrit
dans le message de
What is being logged to the Event Viewer regarding this crash?

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003
Outlook FAQ, HowTo, Downloads, Add-Ins and more

Hi everybody.

For some reason, I cannot display the 'From' field in the message
the Inbox folder.
If I try to add the field by doing Menu Display > Current Display >
Personnalize Display (sorry, I am using the French version of
don't know what everything translates into the English version), then
clicking on the 'Fields' button and Add field, Oulook stops
get the usual MS error message, proposing to send an error report to

I just cannot correlate this problem with anything I could have done. I
a stable system, I didn't install anything, and, otherwise, Outlook is
working properly.
I tried to 'repair' Outlook, restart, etc. to no avail.

Anybody ?

thank you very much in adavance for your kind help.

With best regards,


Hello Robert.

You probably didn't get my last message, as I cannot see it in the thread.
That's what I wrote :

I just did what you suggested, i.e. resetting the views, and it worked!
Everything is back to normal. I still don't know what happened, but...
Thank you so much for your kind help and time. I really appreciate it.

Best regards,

"Roady [MVP]" <newsgroups_DELETE_@_DELETE_sparnaaij_NO_._SPAM_net> a écrit
dans le message de
Did you kill the process manually? What is being displayed in the details?

You could try resetting your views;
Start-> Run; outlook.exe /cleanviews

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

Daniel said:
Hi Robert,

Thank you for your message.

I get the event code '1000'.

Does it mean anything special ?

best regards,
"Roady [MVP]" <newsgroups_DELETE_@_DELETE_sparnaaij_NO_._SPAM_net> a écrit
dans le message de
What is being logged to the Event Viewer regarding this crash?

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003
Outlook FAQ, HowTo, Downloads, Add-Ins and more

Hi everybody.

For some reason, I cannot display the 'From' field in the message
the Inbox folder.
If I try to add the field by doing Menu Display > Current Display >
Personnalize Display (sorry, I am using the French version of
don't know what everything translates into the English version), then
clicking on the 'Fields' button and Add field, Oulook stops
get the usual MS error message, proposing to send an error report to

I just cannot correlate this problem with anything I could have done. I
a stable system, I didn't install anything, and, otherwise, Outlook is
working properly.
I tried to 'repair' Outlook, restart, etc. to no avail.

Anybody ?

thank you very much in adavance for your kind help.

With best regards,

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