Outlook 2000 with SP3 dumps on me when browsing the Address book..



I have a user who runs Outlook 2000 with SP3 and all windows updates. No
viruses and no spyware. His Outlook runs great as long as he does not use
his Address book. Well he can use his address book but if he scrolls down to
the "D's" or close the them anyway Outlook causes an error and closes. I
have taken this from Dr.Watsons:
Application exception occurred:
App: (pid=3672)
When: 12/07/2005 @ 15:19:22.064
Exception number: c00000fd (stack overflow)

*----> System Information <----*
Computer Name: STAT000
User Name: STAT000
Number of Processors: 1
Processor Type: x86 Family 15 Model 1 Stepping 2
Windows 2000 Version: 5.0
Current Build: 2195
Service Pack: 4
Current Type: Uniprocessor Free
Registered Organization: EMANUAL INSURANCE

*----> Task List <----*
0 Idle.exe
8 System.exe
140 SMSS.exe
164 CSRSS.exe
160 WINLOGON.exe
212 SERVICES.exe
224 LSASS.exe
396 svchost.exe
424 spoolsv.exe
496 dcfssvc.exe
508 DefWatch.exe
524 svchost.exe
552 Rtvscan.exe
628 nvsvc32.exe
648 PTSsvc.exe
672 regsvc.exe
692 mstask.exe
512 stisvc.exe
820 WinMgmt.exe
844 svchost.exe
1108 explorer.exe
1332 schedmon.exe
372 PPMemCheck.exe
1364 CookiePatrol.ex.exe
1272 rundll32.exe
1396 VPTray.exe
1424 pptd40nt.exe
1360 rundll32.exe
1456 PTS.exe
324 wuauclt.exe
1664 svchost.exe
3492 NTVDM.exe
3316 mmc.exe
3672 OUTLOOK.exe
3916 MAPISP32.exe
4392 DRWTSN32.exe
0 _Total.exe

I have attempted serveral searches and have come up empty.
I did notice that if he uses the "CONTACTS" tab in the outlook folder list
that works fine.

Any assistance on this is greatly appreciated!!

Thank you in advance,



Sadly no, The event logs are comeplely clean. I wish there was something.
This is beging to be like finding a needle in a haystack!!
For instance...this..App: (pid=3672)
There is NOTHING after APP: most cases you have something there. But in
this case there is nothing.
Please let me know if you need any more information.


Is he using an actual address book or contacts? Can you open his mail on
another PC or not? If he's using an address book, can you open it? Basically,
determine if the issue is user or PC specific. That determination would be a
good starting point for further troubleshooting.
Kathleen Orland



Thank you Kathleen,
I will have the user export his PST and I will set it up on a different PC
to see whether it is a PST issue or PC specific. I will created a new thread
if necessary.


Jun 4, 2008
Reaction score
If you haven't found resolution yet..
Could be a problem with the addressbook itself.
Ask user to manually type in the email addresses to the people they are sending to. If this works, then eitjer recreate the addressbook (yes, you'd probably have to retype all the 'faulty' addresses out).
I had a user who had a similair problem which was resolved as described above.


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