Jeff Fink
Know a tech working on a job where the customer has Exchange 5.5 SP3 running
in house and is using the ISP's mail server for SMTP/POP3 email. The tech
is trying to eliminate email on the Exchange server and use it only for
shared calendars and contacts.
Each user has Internet Email and Microsoft Exchange accounts in Outlook
2000. He swears that he's found an ordering mechanism and that he has the
internet SMTP server listed as the first priority. Anything else he should
be looking at?
in house and is using the ISP's mail server for SMTP/POP3 email. The tech
is trying to eliminate email on the Exchange server and use it only for
shared calendars and contacts.
Each user has Internet Email and Microsoft Exchange accounts in Outlook
2000. He swears that he's found an ordering mechanism and that he has the
internet SMTP server listed as the first priority. Anything else he should
be looking at?