Outlook 2000 deleting inbox email when email is opened



Outlook 2000 deleting inbox email when email is opened.

I just applied the two recent Microsoft updates (Internet
Explorer(KB831167), and Outlook Express 6 (KB837009) )
to my Windows 98 system. After applying these 2 updates and rebooting I
discovered a problem.

When ever I read a new piece of email from my Outlook 2000 "input" folder,
upon opening
a window to view it the email in question is IMMEDIATELY DELETED from
the input folder.

If I first move the email message from the "input" folder to another folder
and open
it there, it is NOT deleted.

Note, this is happening for Outlook 2000 and NOT Outlook Express 6

I have verified all of the check boxes in all of the Tools/Options... and
Tools/Services/Internet emails/properties windows. Auto Archiving is turned
All of the Tools/Rule Wizard rules have been turned off. This problem is
continuing to happen.

Does anyone have any Suggestions ?
(Please reply to the form.)


Nikki Peterson [MVP - Outlook]

Some kind of filter view set?

If you have a "View" filter to show only unread messages
it would appear to "disappear".

To check your view settings:

Open Outlook
Select the Inbox folder
Select VIEW from the menu
Click the RESET button if it is not grayed out
Apply the view.

Nikki Peterson [MVP - Outlook]

Outlook 2000 deleting inbox email when email is opened.

I just applied the two recent Microsoft updates (Internet
Explorer(KB831167), and Outlook Express 6 (KB837009) )
to my Windows 98 system. After applying these 2 updates and rebooting I
discovered a problem.

When ever I read a new piece of email from my Outlook 2000 "input" folder,
upon opening
a window to view it the email in question is IMMEDIATELY DELETED from
the input folder.

If I first move the email message from the "input" folder to another folder
and open
it there, it is NOT deleted.

Note, this is happening for Outlook 2000 and NOT Outlook Express 6

I have verified all of the check boxes in all of the Tools/Options... and
Tools/Services/Internet emails/properties windows. Auto Archiving is turned
All of the Tools/Rule Wizard rules have been turned off. This problem is
continuing to happen.

Does anyone have any Suggestions ?
(Please reply to the form.)


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