Barry S.
I'm having trouble with the Outlook 2000 Backup Add-In..
On clicking File/Backup and exiting Outlook I
get "Cannot copy Outlook. Access is denied, the source file may be in
I've done searches on Google and eliminated every possible process
that might possibly have a hold on Outlook.. Namely the Nokia
connection manager which syncs a Phone w/Outlook. No luck.
I eliminated every process Windows would allow me to kill. No luck.
I've rebooted without the Nokia Connection Wizard booted. (X-ed it
out in the registry on CurrentVersion/Run) No luck.
So Outlook won't allow me to backup this data. There are no Office
processes running. There are no processes that are attached to this
data. (That I can find..)
I've seen a number of issues similar to this posted, but haven't found
a resolution..
How can backup the data? Can I just copy a file from somewhere?
The problem machine is an Athlon with W2K w/ SP4 and Office 2000 (says
SP3 has been applied)..
Note: To reply, replace the word 'spam' embedded in return address with 'mail'.
N38.6 W121.4
On clicking File/Backup and exiting Outlook I
get "Cannot copy Outlook. Access is denied, the source file may be in
I've done searches on Google and eliminated every possible process
that might possibly have a hold on Outlook.. Namely the Nokia
connection manager which syncs a Phone w/Outlook. No luck.
I eliminated every process Windows would allow me to kill. No luck.
I've rebooted without the Nokia Connection Wizard booted. (X-ed it
out in the registry on CurrentVersion/Run) No luck.
So Outlook won't allow me to backup this data. There are no Office
processes running. There are no processes that are attached to this
data. (That I can find..)
I've seen a number of issues similar to this posted, but haven't found
a resolution..
How can backup the data? Can I just copy a file from somewhere?
The problem machine is an Athlon with W2K w/ SP4 and Office 2000 (says
SP3 has been applied)..
Note: To reply, replace the word 'spam' embedded in return address with 'mail'.
N38.6 W121.4