Outlook 07 Rules not finding email by word in body while search do




I am terribly frustrated while trying to organize my email using outlook

I create a simple rule - move email to specific folder by searching for
specific words in the body. The word i am looking for is 'deadlock'.

The email has just this in the body:
ERROR_MESSAGE():Transaction (Process ID 53) was deadlocked on lock
resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim.
Rerun the transaction.

When I search the folder in outlook (using the search box on top right) it
is pickedup by the search no problem, however, running the rule does not find
it. Some emails with this word are found, some are not while they are all
found using the normal search.

I have testing this on other machines, while recreating the rule again from
scratch and the same problem.

This is very frustrating and all i can think of, is that its a bug in
outlook. Alos, all the emails are generated by the same erorr hanlder on a
production server yet some are picked up by the rules some are not. I can
include the raw message as well if this helps.

Is there a know issue like that ?

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