I don't see any problem in the SQL statement itself.
I would then check to see if the tables "links" are the good ones (tools
| database utilities... Linked Table Manager) and if they are, then, I would
try to see if the same problem exists when the PC role is exchanged ( make a
copy of the back end on the second PC, run the application from the first
PC, with the data now on the second PC ). If the PC that was reporting 1022
records still report 1022 records and if the other still report 869 records,
that would strongly indicate some setting, but which one exactly ... (
date_time, time zone, Jet version and ServicePack and Access options... )
Are they all tables or some are queries and so, are they returning the same
number of records on both PC.
To see if the problem is really due to the network, it is probably to
run the front end application on the same PC that has the back end
application (copy the front end, or the back end file, appropriately, and
re-edit the link of the linked table). If the number of records they report
is unchanged, something is definitively wrong with either of the PC, since
no network is involved, and both PC work on an identical copy of data!
Vanderghast, Access MVP
Somayaji said:
There is no WHERE condition in the query! In any case, should it make a
difference on one PC and not on the other? The query (generated by Access)
is as follows:
FROM ((([6-q-listing00-turin-oldTIS]
LEFT JOIN T_A_TIS_COMM ON ([6-q-listing00-turin-oldTIS].datevalidity =
T_A_TIS_COMM.[Date-validity]) AND ([6-q-listing00-turin-oldTIS].BU =
LEFT JOIN T_A_TIS_topup ON ([6-q-listing00-turin-oldTIS].BU_pricelist =
T_A_TIS_topup.BU) AND ([6-q-listing00-turin-oldTIS].datevalidity =
LEFT JOIN [6-t-final-virtual] ON
([6-q-listing00-turin-oldTIS].datevalidity =
[6-t-final-virtual].virtualdate) AND ([6-q-listing00-turin-oldTIS].Body =
[6-t-final-virtual].Body) AND ([6-q-listing00-turin-oldTIS].Model =
[6-t-final-virtual].Model) AND ([6-q-listing00-turin-oldTIS].BU_pricelist =
LEFT JOIN [6-t-stream-percentage] ON
([6-q-listing00-turin-oldTIS].Condition = [6-t-stream-percentage].Condition)
AND ([6-q-listing00-turin-oldTIS].datevalidity =
[6-t-stream-percentage].[Date-validity]) AND
([6-q-listing00-turin-oldTIS].BU_pricelist = [6-t-stream-percentage].BU);