Remotely helping someone with a mail problem running under Vista. At
one time, user could send and receive via cable modem w/o problem.
Now, user can receive e-mails w/o problem, but send e-mails simply
queue in Outbox and never move out. Click Send/Receive or Send All,
see very brief pop-up, no error message, but thirty items in Outbox
stay put. Examined pop3 and smtp server setup; all looks fine.
Examined all configuration options; nothing appears relevant to
suppressing send mail. What could inhibit mail in Outbox from sending
but not generate any error message or pop-up? Thanks.
one time, user could send and receive via cable modem w/o problem.
Now, user can receive e-mails w/o problem, but send e-mails simply
queue in Outbox and never move out. Click Send/Receive or Send All,
see very brief pop-up, no error message, but thirty items in Outbox
stay put. Examined pop3 and smtp server setup; all looks fine.
Examined all configuration options; nothing appears relevant to
suppressing send mail. What could inhibit mail in Outbox from sending
but not generate any error message or pop-up? Thanks.