Outbox box is stuck, can't delete message



I put too many pictures into an email. The email is unable to be sent,
however, I can not delete it, open it,(it says that outlook has started to
send the message) or anything. This whole thing is bogging my computer down
to dial up speed. I have cancelled the transfer but I can not get the
message deleted. Any info?


I checked for that update that all are talking about, I found it, removed it,
but I am still having the problem.


I have put Outlook into offline mode, reopened, no luck. I have left it in
offline mode, opened it in safe mode, and still no luck.

Shanin Dockrey

Hi. I have the exact same problem. Several scanned documents getting sent to India have been in the Outbox for 3 days! It won't delete, won't budge. I tried the "safe mode" approach to no avail. Did you get this resolved and will you please share your method?



I ended up calling Microsoft and had the tech guy take over my computer. He
had to actually delete my profile and create a new one. The major problem
with that, he did not copy over my contacts. Since I sync my phone with
Outlook, I thought that I always have two places with my contacts stored.
Unfortunately, I didn't catch it right away that my contacts were gone, I
went to sync my phone and all of the contacts were deleted off my phone as
well. Just make sure that if a tech has to delete your profile, make sure
you get all of your contacts and dates saved!

Brian Tillman

Norma said:
I ended up calling Microsoft and had the tech guy take over my
computer. He had to actually delete my profile and create a new one.
The major problem with that, he did not copy over my contacts. Since
I sync my phone with Outlook, I thought that I always have two places
with my contacts stored. Unfortunately, I didn't catch it right away
that my contacts were gone, I went to sync my phone and all of the
contacts were deleted off my phone as well. Just make sure that if a
tech has to delete your profile, make sure you get all of your
contacts and dates saved!

Did he create a new Windows User profile or a new mail profile? If the
former, unless he deleted the files for the old user, you can still get your
old Outlook data back. In the latter case, simply add your existing PST
back into yor new mail profile as the delivery location and your contacts
(as well as all your other Outlook data) will be back as it was originally.


Also, I am using Outlook 2007 and Windows XP.

Brian Tillman said:
Did he create a new Windows User profile or a new mail profile? If the
former, unless he deleted the files for the old user, you can still get your
old Outlook data back. In the latter case, simply add your existing PST
back into yor new mail profile as the delivery location and your contacts
(as well as all your other Outlook data) will be back as it was originally.

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