Out with my camera today in Epping Forest


Member Extraordinaire
Dec 31, 2004
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Had a day off and went out with my camera today to a place called High Beech in Epping forest, its where I used to live and grew up there until I was about 9 years old, its a very ancient part of the forest and has now become quite a well to do area as most houses there are in the half a million pound mark and upwards..

Beautiful place to take photographs of and so I thought I would post up a selection so you good people could take a looksee..:nod:


Lots of old Beech trees everywhere



This ones a bit rude..:D


This ones a real optical illusion..:nod:


Sadly the great Storm of 88 brought a lot of these ancient Beech trees down, the remains are littered all over the forest floor..


Excellent for the wildlife though, I wonder how many bugs are in there..;)




Horse Paddock next to the road I used to live, remember scrumping pears from the tree at the end of the paddock, god they were sweet and juicy, seems to be used for crochet now..:nod:


Tree in Bud


I do love Magnolia trees when they are about to flower, they look so beautiful..This was up by the Golf course which is nearby and backs onto the forest, I remember me and my brother nicking golf balls from the first tee and selling them back to there unsuspecting owners for 10 pence each on the 5th tee..:D :nod:
Thats what you call enterprising..Alan Sugar eat your heart out..:lol:


This is now used as a Y.H.A but was once a holiday shack back in the 20's and 30's I believe, when people used to visit Epping forest and stay..


Heres the plaque on the building stating Holiday Home.


This little lane leads down to where Dick Turpin used to hide out in a cave in the forest, people living there don't like strangers going down there so this was as far as I went, They had dogs too which were loose..So I took this pic quick and I was off..:wave:


There I was when I heard mr Magpie up above my head looking down at me wondering what I was up to..We used to have a pet magpie years ago when I was a kid living here, made me wonder if this was a relative of our pet peggy..


Right in the heart of the forest is this old ancient lake, no one knows about it..Its only if you have lived in these parts that you would know where to find it..It was really beautiful today with the dappled sunlight and the ducks..:nod:


She is a beauty ain't she, not sure what sort of duck she is...Maybe Muck's or Niv can enlighten us...She certainly enjoyed the tranquil setting of the lake..And not a soul insight or around anywhere..



Just look how clear that water is..Superb..


Walked up past our old Village church.


A church right in the middle of Epping forest.


A really nice silver birch tree with lots of bobbles all over it, god knows how old it is..

Hope you enjoyed looking at the pics as much as I enjoyed my walk in the forest and taking them, brought back a few memories of my childhood aswell growing up here..:nod: :)

Awesome pics...:thumb:

Edit: 3rd pic down is also a bit rude if you use your imagaination......:p
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Your pics are very enjoyable CL, what beautiful scenery, it must have been lovely to actually be there. By the way, your duck friends are Mallards, although they look quite large. Thank you for sharing with us :D
Nice pics CL and a great day for taking them. :nod:

As TC says the ducks are Mallards.
Nice pix CL, enjoyed looking at those :)

Maybe I'm wrong but aren't those male ducks in the pix? I thought female ducks were a sort of dull brown though I don't really know for sure, me no an ornithologist.
Mike the tech guy said:
I'm sure you can have male mallards though cant you....surely if not then there wouldnt be any mallards at all! :lol:

Eh? :confused:

I only mentioned it/asked the question cos CL has referred to the duck in the picture as 'she'.

Quack quack! :D
Well the Mallard was referred to as a she but easily could have been a he..anyway was a lovely duck by all accounts..:nod:

Thanks for all the comments guys and gals, it really was glorious going there and taking those pics..Just had to show you all..

I can still remember seeing a UFO hovering above the tree line whilst looking out of my bedroom window at night in the hot summer of 76...But thats another story for another time perhaps! :D
floppybootstomp said:
Nice pix CL, enjoyed looking at those :)

Maybe I'm wrong but aren't those male ducks in the pix? I thought female ducks were a sort of dull brown

Yep, the males are much better looking than the females which are mainly dull brown with a little bit of blue/purple on the wing.
Excellent pics m8...the fourth one reminded me of a prehistoric stegasaurus ???

but then again i am a bit weird :)
Great pix :thumb: Really liked #4, it's quite an interesting formation of trees (how sad does that sound :lol: )

The last time I went to Epping forest I was about 12 years old :D
Ian Cunningham said:
(how sad does that sound :lol: )

Not sad at all mate.....I know a few blokes your age that would rather be hooded up terrorising the general public...They'd be shocked if they met yu and seen what you do....