Out of Response Time Calculation

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Would one of you experts be so kind as to provide me with a table and form
that has just 5 controls on.
I would like;

1. Time Opened (Short time and entered automatically)
2. Time Closed (Short time and to be entered manually)
3. Priority 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 ( This would be a drop down list. 1 would be +
4 hrs from Time opened; 2 would be + 8hrs from Time opened etc.
4. Out of Response time (Short Time display of Time Opened + hrs dependant
on Priority 1,2,3,4 or 5
5. Out of Response met (A yes/no or true/false

If you could design this in a table and Form, I can then more fully
understand how to enter into my database. I have previously tried some
suggestions provided in the form in the "before update" but, I am unable to
make it work.

I am on broadband so file size is not a problem. My email address is
(e-mail address removed).

Many thanks in anticipation.

Colin DIxon said:

Would one of you experts be so kind as to provide me with a table and form
that has just 5 controls on.
I would like;

1. Time Opened (Short time and entered automatically)
2. Time Closed (Short time and to be entered manually)
3. Priority 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 ( This would be a drop down list. 1 would be +
4 hrs from Time opened; 2 would be + 8hrs from Time opened etc.
4. Out of Response time (Short Time display of Time Opened + hrs dependant
on Priority 1,2,3,4 or 5
5. Out of Response met (A yes/no or true/false

If you could design this in a table and Form, I can then more fully
understand how to enter into my database. I have previously tried some
suggestions provided in the form in the "before update" but, I am unable to
make it work.

I am on broadband so file size is not a problem. My email address is
(e-mail address removed).

Many thanks in anticipation.


I think you may be misunderstanding how things work around here. The
purpose of these newsgroups is to take part in technical discussions and to
(try) to help other people with technical questions.

Most, if not all, of the folks around here earn their living building
database systems. I'm afraid that they are not very likely to build yours
for nothing.
And people like you obviously misunderstand what I am trying to do. If people
like you understood that people like me do not earn a living building
databases and are indeed trying to seek help on technical questions, then
maybe people like you would be a little more helpful in your replies.

I have had a number of replies from people like you but, due to the lack of
detail and my inexperience, I cannot get it to work.

I hardly think a few lines of code in a table or form is building a datebase
- you obviously do.

I completely understand what's going on here. As a kind and caring human
being, I am simply seeking assistance with my dilema from experts like
yourself - another kind and caring human being I hope. I trying to build my
own database, with reasonable sucess, the only thing I am lacking is the
ability to work out the time function priority and as I am unable, despite
suggestions, I thought my practical suggestion was a common sense approach! I
give my time and assistance to others in my area of expertise. It does not
worry me that they MAY be taking business??

If you don't like what I am asking fine - don't ram down my throat thanks.

Let me opologise for my out burst. I've had a bad day.

Instead of creating anamosity. Lets start again.

If you think My request is not appropriate in this forum, then please let me
offer you a challenge.

Can you give details of what code I need and where/how I place this in a
form or table.

I appreciate what you guys do but I am struggling for one of you to provide
the answer.

Here's hoping.


Would one of you experts be so kind as to provide me with a table and form
that has just 5 controls on.
I would like;

1. Time Opened (Short time and entered automatically)
2. Time Closed (Short time and to be entered manually)
3. Priority 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 ( This would be a drop down list. 1 would be +
4 hrs from Time opened; 2 would be + 8hrs from Time opened etc.
4. Out of Response time (Short Time display of Time Opened + hrs dependant
on Priority 1,2,3,4 or 5
5. Out of Response met (A yes/no or true/false

If you could design this in a table and Form, I can then more fully
understand how to enter into my database. I have previously tried some
suggestions provided in the form in the "before update" but, I am unable to
make it work.

I am on broadband so file size is not a problem. My email address is
(e-mail address removed).

Well, I sympathize but I have to agree with Baz that you're being
somewhat unreasonable. I (like Baz and everyone else who answers
questions here) am donating my time free of charge and without
remuneration; I'm a freelance database devloper, and I do indeed build
forms and write code - for paying clients. So I'm sorry, but I am not
in a position to do THAT much (actually creating a .mdb file for you)
in this newsgroup.

However... I'll be happy to make some suggestions that you can try
implementing, and to respond to questions or problems you have in
doing so.

The starting point would be your Table. It should NOT contain any
derived data such as [Out Of Response Time] or [Out Of Response Met]
since they can be calculated on demand from the other three fields.
The tables should resemble:

ResponseTimeID Autonumber Primary Key
TimeOpened Date/Time; set its Default property to Now()
TimeClosed Date/Time
Priority Number, Integer

Priority Primary Key, Number Integer
HoursExpected Number Integer

On your Form you would have textboxes for TimeOpened and TimeClosed,
named txtTimeOpened and txtTimeClosed (you may want to set the Enabled
property of txtTimeOpened to False, and its Locked property to True,
so the automatic timestamp can't be editied), and a Combo Box named
cboPriority, bound to Priority, based on the Priorities table. Use the
Combo Box wizard to set this up.

The Form (or any Report that you want to use to print out this
information) would have two additional calculated textboxes: the Out
Of Response Time textbox would have a control source

=DateAdd("h", cboPriority.Column(1), txtTimeOpened)

and for TimeOpenedMet, use a Control Source

= (Me!txtTimeClosed <= Me!txtOutOfResponse)

This expression will evaluate to TRUE if the TimeClosed value is less
than the OutOfResponse textbox value, and to FALSE if it's later (or
if either of the textboxes is still blank).

John W. Vinson[MVP]

Yes I know and I am so sorry, really.

Thanks for you input, I will give it a go and see if I can get it to work.

I would only say one thing, please don't forget that, I am doing something
for myself here. Its not for any commercial gain, just to make my job easier
and time more effective.

Thanks - much appreciated.

John Vinson said:

Would one of you experts be so kind as to provide me with a table and form
that has just 5 controls on.
I would like;

1. Time Opened (Short time and entered automatically)
2. Time Closed (Short time and to be entered manually)
3. Priority 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 ( This would be a drop down list. 1 would be +
4 hrs from Time opened; 2 would be + 8hrs from Time opened etc.
4. Out of Response time (Short Time display of Time Opened + hrs dependant
on Priority 1,2,3,4 or 5
5. Out of Response met (A yes/no or true/false

If you could design this in a table and Form, I can then more fully
understand how to enter into my database. I have previously tried some
suggestions provided in the form in the "before update" but, I am unable to
make it work.

I am on broadband so file size is not a problem. My email address is
(e-mail address removed).

Well, I sympathize but I have to agree with Baz that you're being
somewhat unreasonable. I (like Baz and everyone else who answers
questions here) am donating my time free of charge and without
remuneration; I'm a freelance database devloper, and I do indeed build
forms and write code - for paying clients. So I'm sorry, but I am not
in a position to do THAT much (actually creating a .mdb file for you)
in this newsgroup.

However... I'll be happy to make some suggestions that you can try
implementing, and to respond to questions or problems you have in
doing so.

The starting point would be your Table. It should NOT contain any
derived data such as [Out Of Response Time] or [Out Of Response Met]
since they can be calculated on demand from the other three fields.
The tables should resemble:

ResponseTimeID Autonumber Primary Key
TimeOpened Date/Time; set its Default property to Now()
TimeClosed Date/Time
Priority Number, Integer

Priority Primary Key, Number Integer
HoursExpected Number Integer

On your Form you would have textboxes for TimeOpened and TimeClosed,
named txtTimeOpened and txtTimeClosed (you may want to set the Enabled
property of txtTimeOpened to False, and its Locked property to True,
so the automatic timestamp can't be editied), and a Combo Box named
cboPriority, bound to Priority, based on the Priorities table. Use the
Combo Box wizard to set this up.

The Form (or any Report that you want to use to print out this
information) would have two additional calculated textboxes: the Out
Of Response Time textbox would have a control source

=DateAdd("h", cboPriority.Column(1), txtTimeOpened)

and for TimeOpenedMet, use a Control Source

= (Me!txtTimeClosed <= Me!txtOutOfResponse)

This expression will evaluate to TRUE if the TimeClosed value is less
than the OutOfResponse textbox value, and to FALSE if it's later (or
if either of the textboxes is still blank).

John W. Vinson[MVP]
Hi John,

I have attempted to build the database as you describe but I must be doing
something fundamentally incorrect.

I have built the tables as you described, I have then built a form with the
TimeOpened and TimeClosed on, built the Combobox pointing to the Priority
table and then entered the two text boxes, one for the OOR and the other for
the TimeOpenedMet. I double click these text boxes and enter the expression
as you describe here. I have tried entering in both the "Control Source" and
"Before Update" but, I cannot get it to work. The fields remain blank.

Now I have built the tables and form, would it be acceptable to you that I
send you the database so you can ascertain where I am going wrong. This was
really the idea behind my request for someone to send me such a DB so I could
determine and learn on a DB that actually worked.

Thanks for you continued support.


John Vinson said:

Would one of you experts be so kind as to provide me with a table and form
that has just 5 controls on.
I would like;

1. Time Opened (Short time and entered automatically)
2. Time Closed (Short time and to be entered manually)
3. Priority 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 ( This would be a drop down list. 1 would be +
4 hrs from Time opened; 2 would be + 8hrs from Time opened etc.
4. Out of Response time (Short Time display of Time Opened + hrs dependant
on Priority 1,2,3,4 or 5
5. Out of Response met (A yes/no or true/false

If you could design this in a table and Form, I can then more fully
understand how to enter into my database. I have previously tried some
suggestions provided in the form in the "before update" but, I am unable to
make it work.

I am on broadband so file size is not a problem. My email address is
(e-mail address removed).

Well, I sympathize but I have to agree with Baz that you're being
somewhat unreasonable. I (like Baz and everyone else who answers
questions here) am donating my time free of charge and without
remuneration; I'm a freelance database devloper, and I do indeed build
forms and write code - for paying clients. So I'm sorry, but I am not
in a position to do THAT much (actually creating a .mdb file for you)
in this newsgroup.

However... I'll be happy to make some suggestions that you can try
implementing, and to respond to questions or problems you have in
doing so.

The starting point would be your Table. It should NOT contain any
derived data such as [Out Of Response Time] or [Out Of Response Met]
since they can be calculated on demand from the other three fields.
The tables should resemble:

ResponseTimeID Autonumber Primary Key
TimeOpened Date/Time; set its Default property to Now()
TimeClosed Date/Time
Priority Number, Integer

Priority Primary Key, Number Integer
HoursExpected Number Integer

On your Form you would have textboxes for TimeOpened and TimeClosed,
named txtTimeOpened and txtTimeClosed (you may want to set the Enabled
property of txtTimeOpened to False, and its Locked property to True,
so the automatic timestamp can't be editied), and a Combo Box named
cboPriority, bound to Priority, based on the Priorities table. Use the
Combo Box wizard to set this up.

The Form (or any Report that you want to use to print out this
information) would have two additional calculated textboxes: the Out
Of Response Time textbox would have a control source

=DateAdd("h", cboPriority.Column(1), txtTimeOpened)

and for TimeOpenedMet, use a Control Source

= (Me!txtTimeClosed <= Me!txtOutOfResponse)

This expression will evaluate to TRUE if the TimeClosed value is less
than the OutOfResponse textbox value, and to FALSE if it's later (or
if either of the textboxes is still blank).

John W. Vinson[MVP]
I have built the tables as you described, I have then built a form with the
TimeOpened and TimeClosed on, built the Combobox pointing to the Priority
table and then entered the two text boxes, one for the OOR and the other for
the TimeOpenedMet. I double click these text boxes and enter the expression
as you describe here. I have tried entering in both the "Control Source" and
"Before Update" but, I cannot get it to work. The fields remain blank.

Please post the EXACT contents of the Control Source properties,
together with the Name properties of the other textboxes.
Now I have built the tables and form, would it be acceptable to you that I
send you the database so you can ascertain where I am going wrong. This was
really the idea behind my request for someone to send me such a DB so I could
determine and learn on a DB that actually worked.

I'll be happy to send you my consulting terms. I must request that
actually working on a database be limited to paying clients.

John W. Vinson[MVP]