-----Original Message-----
Can anyone tell me how to program the "Out of Office
Reply" to all emails that come in to my in box? I am not
able to find it anywhere in my Outlook 2000 application.
here you go....let me know if this helps (outline format
got messed up-sorry).
Auto reply set up
1. turn off word as e mail editor
a. tools
b. options
c. mail format
d. uncheck box
e. ok
2. open new e mail message
3. in the body, type the auto response message
4. save it
a. file
b. save as
i. file name: (name it)
ii. file type: outlook template
c. save
5. close e mail message
6. no you don't want to save it
7. set up rule
a. tools
b. rules wizard
c. new
d. click start from a blank rule
e. highlight check messages when they arrive
f. next
g. check on this machine only
h. next
i. check reply using a specific template
j. click on a specific template in the rules
description box
i. look in: user templates in file system
ii. click on your message
iii. open
k. next
l. next
m. next
n. specify a name for the rule
i. click turn on this rule
ii. finish
8. be sure the correct reply is highlighted
9. ok