out going mail



my outlook express 6 will not sen mail. I call my provider and they checked
the port # it was correct.I scanned my pc no virus.
what wouold problem be?

PA Bear [MS MVP]

OE-specific newsgroup:
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Desktop Experience - since 2002

Richard in AZ

Since we cannot see your PC from where we are, you are going to have to
provide a lot more information.
What error messages do you get when your try?
What are your account settings?
What antivirus are you using? Does it scan outgoing mail? Etc.
Provide as much detail about your equipment and setup as possible, or take
it to a technician.


error message: connection to the server failed. account, mail.comcast.net
server stmp.comcast.net Protocol.stmp port 25 secure (ssL ) no socket error
:10060 Error number:0x800ccc0e running windows xp media

PA Bear [MS MVP]

Troubleshooting error messages that you receive when you are using OL and OE

Disable email scanning by your anti-virus application. It provides no
additional protection and even Symantec says it's not necessary:

Disabling Email Scanning does not leave you unprotected against viruses that
are distributed as email attachments. Norton AntiVirus Auto-Protect scans
incoming files as they are saved to your hard drive, including email and
email attachments. Email Scanning is just another layer on top of this. To
make sure that Auto-Protect is providing the maximum protection, keep
Auto-Protect enabled and run LiveUpdate regularly to ensure that you have
the most recent virus definitions.


In some areas Comcast blocks port 25 for the outgoing server, try the

In Outlook Express> TOOLS> Accounts> Mail Accounts> Select Comcast acct>
Properties button> Advance tab:
1. For the Outgoing Port use either 587 or 465 (I use 465 in SE Michigan)
2. Check the box for just the Outgoing server to use SSL encryption.
3. Leave the incoming mail SSL setting unchecked, and use port 110 for that.

Close/Restart OE, and check if you can send mail now through Comcast acct.

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Rich/rerat (RRR News) <message rule>
<<Previous Text Snipped to Save Bandwidth When Appropriate>>

error message: connection to the server failed. account, mail.comcast.net
server stmp.comcast.net Protocol.stmp port 25 secure (ssL ) no socket error
:10060 Error number:0x800ccc0e running windows xp media


Thanks Rich for your help.

Rich/rerat said:
In some areas Comcast blocks port 25 for the outgoing server, try the

In Outlook Express> TOOLS> Accounts> Mail Accounts> Select Comcast acct>
Properties button> Advance tab:
1. For the Outgoing Port use either 587 or 465 (I use 465 in SE Michigan)
2. Check the box for just the Outgoing server to use SSL encryption.
3. Leave the incoming mail SSL setting unchecked, and use port 110 for that.

Close/Restart OE, and check if you can send mail now through Comcast acct.

Add MS to your News Reader: news://msnews.microsoft.com
Rich/rerat (RRR News) <message rule>
<<Previous Text Snipped to Save Bandwidth When Appropriate>>

error message: connection to the server failed. account, mail.comcast.net
server stmp.comcast.net Protocol.stmp port 25 secure (ssL ) no socket error
:10060 Error number:0x800ccc0e running windows xp media


Call your service provider and have them set up your server settings. Have
them set up an account for you. Start by goint to Tools accounts newe. You
will need your incoming mail server and outgoing mail server. For example I
use Verizon as ISP so my incoming mail server is a POP3 mail server that is
Their tech support will give you the settings. This should fix your
problem. Let me know
Best Regards,


call your provider back ask for tech support get aggresive an make them fix
it for you, sorry if that souns harsh but there is virtually no info for me
to go on. Another thing when you call your ISP make sure to have them verify
the server settings as this could be a problem. it could be that your
outgoing server is wrong, misconfigured or blank. If your ISP gives you
trouble cancel and go with somebody good like VVerizon. Their tech support
is topnotch
Best regards,

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