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First let me say that I love MM2. I love how easy it is and the results are great. My only problem is that it doesnt burn DVD's or make chapter points.. I have been using EZCD6 to encode and burn.

My question is, what other software does it all and works as easy, with as good a result and also burns. I use the timeline feature so I can add music, transitions, titles, credits and such.

However, its sort of a pain in the neck to make little movies, convert them to DV-AVI the put them in a folder then move them to EZCD6 then put them in chapters then encode to MPEG2 then burn.

Any help would be appreciated.

I don't know of any all-in-ones like that, but they
probably do exist. You might take a look at ulead.com:
They have pretty good stuff. I used to use Ulead with
my old machine, but it doesn't run on XP and I haven't
upgraded yet, since MM2 is so useful, but I do plan to.
Adobe is another source I've heard good things about.
I can only speak for Ulead experience, but it is
really good. Much better timelines, lots better
effects and transitions; well, more varied anyway, and
all kinds of handy bells & whistles that mad ethings
easier and, at that time, dunno about now, very good
support. I partucularly liked about four differnt
things it could do that MM2 can't, which is why I know
I'm going back to it eventually, meaning soon's I get
my CFO (wifey) to approve the upgrade price <g>.
From what I see, it'll take two apps from ulead to
do all you want to do, but ... they work together and
can call each other. Oh, and Ulead's Video Studio had
some excellent audio abilities too, and worked wity or
without the video tracks. Seems like it had 99 video
overlays and 99 audio tracks, not that you could ever
use that many. I turned them all off but four, I
think, and did fine with thouse being one more than I
ever used. Using a mirror and some parallel sound
tracks, I sang a great duet with myself! Lotsa fun!
Oh, it also integrated wiht my capture board, which
I've never been able to get MM2 to accomplish. Hope
the new one's as good.
There IS a defininte learning curve: For a "normal"
flunky like me, I'd allow about two weeks to get
confidence in what you're doing. Also, it didnt' have
some of the mpeg/jpeg etc. limitations like MM2. Dont'
get me wrong: MM2 IS a VERY capable app! And,
consideriung it's FREE, well lll l I do like MM, but
.... I know I can do some things with Ulead that I can't
with MM2.

Anyway, maybe someone more knowledgeable will pipe in
with something more tangivle for advice - all I know is
Ulead's Video Studio Pro did all and more than I
needed, and did what I did use very well.


Hello there,

I use MovieDV Ver 6 more than MM2. It allows for a total of 11 video tracks
each with a separate audio track and what you can't do with the basic package
is not worth bothering with. Take a look at "Split Video" on my website and
"Weather" for a couple of examples. The Weather video requires the lightning
plug-in. Basically each video track can be moved around in 3 space maintaining
perspective and such like and all in real time.

You can also create video with true transparent backgrounds (Alpha channel
turned on), you can do real time cropping, resizing and Image Stabilizer
(Remove camera shake), Image Warping etc etc etc. If you do buy it...make sure
you get it from the German website and not the one in English......for some odd
reason they only sell Version 6 on the German site. The program itself is Multi

You can get it from www.aist.de Tell them I sent you....no don't do that, they
will charge you double :)
peoples work

Hmm, stabilization is appealing; I hadn't thought about
that, since my video cam dosn't have it so ... out
sight, out of mind I guess.

RATS! Now I've got more research to do!

Have you actually purchased from the .de site? Their
prices are native, and I don't see anything about $US
so I'd have to use a currency converter, wire
transaction, all tha tgood stuff, IF I were to buy
there. Sounds expensive.

Have you actually purchased from the .de site? Their
prices are native, and I don't see anything about $US
so I'd have to use a currency converter, wire
transaction, all tha tgood stuff, IF I were to buy
there. Sounds expensive.


As mentioned I have version 6 and it can only be purchased from the German
site. I paid US $69
Just thought I'd mention that I have bought stuff (digital camera) from
Germany, tho not from these people. No problems using my Mastercard,
and price and delivery was better than I get from the US (or Melbourne
for that matter)

David - in Australia