How would i go about creating my own newsgroup? Do i need a dedicated
server or something?
server or something?
SirAuggy said:How would i go about creating my own newsgroup? Do i need a dedicated
server or something?
SirAuggy said:How would i go about creating my own newsgroup?
Steven Burn said:The first thing you need is an NNTP (news) server..... then you need
somewhere to host it)
Demetrius Zeluff said:Huh?
He does not need a server. He doesn't need to host anything.
He needs to visit alt.config and learn how to issue proper control posts,
and then persuade all the NSPs to carry the group, and then persuade people
to use the group.
How would i go about creating my own newsgroup? Do i need a
dedicated server or something?
tell me the name of the group and i'll make it for you.How would i go about creating my own newsgroup? Do i need a dedicated
server or something?
Wow thanks everyone for your input. I was thinking of making a
newsgroup related to my school, University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC),
but i'm probably better off with a messageboard or something. I didn't
know there was so many steps to go through to have a newsgroup, so i'll
just stick with something through good ol html.
Wow thanks everyone for your input. I was thinking of making a
newsgroup related to my school, University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC),
but i'm probably better off with a messageboard or something. I didn't
know there was so many steps to go through to have a newsgroup, so i'll
just stick with something through good ol html.
there actually aren't, but "they" want you to think there are. if youI didn't
know there was so many steps to go through to have a newsgroup
Wow thanks everyone for your input. I was thinking of making
a newsgroup related to my school, University of Illinois at
Chicago (UIC),
Steven Burn said:Assuming he wants someone else to host/look after it yes.......
Steven Burn said:Assuming he wants someone else to host/look after it yes.......
Doc said:One thing I learned years ago ....
....ASSUME makes an ASS of U and ME
Wow thanks everyone for your input. I was thinking of making a
newsgroup related to my school, University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC),
but i'm probably better off with a messageboard or something. I didn't
know there was so many steps to go through to have a newsgroup, so i'll
just stick with something through good ol html.