There are many free *.nfo/*.diz viewer available. I don't use any. But a
quick Google search for 'nfo viewer' should give you lots of downloads.
Besides: It seems to me, you already had such a prog on disk and somehow
lost it (uninstall?). Else every double click on a *.nfo file would pop
up the 'Open with...' dialog. There you could select any text editor. (As
you already have been told: even Notepad would do.)
To get to the 'Open with...' dialog anyway, just hold down the Shift key
and *Right* click once on the file. The context menu opening should have
a 'Open with...' entry.
Here's a handy hint.
Rather than go through all that palaver every time you come across an
unknown file, you can add an 'open in Notepad' item to your context
menu. Just right click on the file, select Notepad, and if it's a text
file it'll show up in all its glory.
It's simple to do, here's the entry from my registry, simply copy the
text below ( excluding the sig, of course ) and save it as
Notepad.reg. Double click notepad.reg and windows will create a
Notepad item on your context menu.
This assumes that you use Notepad as your default plain text viewer -
and, I assume, it's in the Windows directory.
@="NOTEPAD.EXE \"%1\""