OT: windows 98 installation error: "Windoes protection error. Please restart your computer"

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rahman
  • Start date Start date


Hi guys,

A very freaky error message that i am getting. The situation is I was trying
to install windows 98 and remove my windows xp (for
my dad who is novice user of PC and of course 98 bit fast) ... anyways it
was not allowing me to format the C drive so used
Fdisk /mbr and then fdisk ...

Anyways .... now:
i have formatted my computer so many times now but this time i formatted it
again it came with an error message. i formatted the c:\ and ran setup and
everything was successfull until i got a message "windows protection error
please restart your computer". After i restarted my PC Windows98 logo loaded
up and stayed like that for couple of seconds and then again the error
message came up saying "Windows Protection Error. Please restart your

Even i can't start in SAFE Mode ...

Any input will be appreciated!

anyways it was not allowing me to format the C drive so used
Fdisk /mbr and then fdisk ...

Anyways .... now:
i have formatted my computer so many times now but this time i formatted it
again it came with an error message. i formatted the c:\ and ran setup and
everything was successfull until i got a message "windows protection error
please restart your computer". After i restarted my PC Windows98 logo loaded
up and stayed like that for couple of seconds and then again the error
message came up saying "Windows Protection Error. Please restart your

Sounds you may have a HD wich is larger than the maximum partition size
Win98 supports (32 GByte). You have to create several partitions up to
the maximum size before you start the installation process.

You can use the WinXP setup (you seem to have the CD's) until the needed
partitions are created and formatted, stop the installation and continue
with Win98 installation. Or you may use some freeware tool for the
partitioning. Try Ranish partition manager (the Beta version for large


Btw.: It's just a rough guess that the error fires up because of disk
access problems. There a 'hundreds' of other sources possible... :-(

message came up saying "Windows Protection Error. Please restart your

You are in the wrong group but anyway, if I saw the above error,
usually it mean your are having physical RAM problem OR damage
registry file.
After i restarted my PC Windows98 logo loaded
up and stayed like that for couple of seconds and then again the error
message came up saying "Windows Protection Error. Please restart your
Even i can't start in SAFE Mode ...
Any input will be appreciated!

Last time I had that sort of problem IIRC what I did was to copy the
'98 system files from a '98 bootup disk from DOS. I think the command
is something like sys c:\ from your A: drive. It worked for me. :-)

Regards, John.

,-._|\ (A.C.F FAQ) http://clients.net2000.com.au/~johnf/faq.html
/ Oz \ John Fitzsimons - Melbourne, Australia.
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v http://clients.net2000.com.au/~johnf/
what size is the cpu,if its bigger than 2 gigahertz then you will need to patch
the installation with the large cpu patch from microsoft.
You are in the wrong group but anyway, if I saw the above error,
usually it mean your are having physical RAM problem OR damage
registry file.

Or bad sectors.Particularly near the beginning.
I had both problems at once. Drove me up a wall.
24hoursupport.helpdesk would answer your question. But knowing this group
we already have. :)

I don't think it is a registery issue as I have installed the windows 98
clean from ground up.

Everything was fine and working properly. The only issue was i needed to
install windows 98 over
instead of xp. I remember there was some problem that I couldn't format the
C drive as it was NTFS.
Then I FDisk it.... still there was some problem with the partition as it
was showing a Logical Drive but
actually that logical drive didn't exist ... anyways, i installed the
windows ... then installed Partition magic
and removed the Logical drive ...

Now if I turn off the PC and turn it on and then run it in Test Mode it
works ... but if I run it under Normal
it brings that error ...

The CPU is 1.2 Ghz AMD

Then I FDisk it.... still there was some problem with the partition as it
was showing a Logical Drive but
actually that logical drive didn't exist ... anyways, i installed the
windows ... then installed Partition magic
and removed the Logical drive ...

I still think you have a problem with some maximum-size boundary or
faulty partition setup (overlapping boundaries or similar problems).
But it's very difficult to dig into these from hearsay, only. You may
use Christophe Greniers Testdisk to get more detailed information:


Be sure to read the documentation carefully, beforehand! And avoid all
data changing functions (like MBRCode and Disk Geometry) as long as you
don't understand exactly what you're doing. The information on disk and
partition geometry and size may help you further. Testdisk is able to
show some problems right from scratch, too.

*As a last resort*(!!) - if you don't get help anywhere else - you could
use the offer found on the above mentioned website:

| - send me testdisk.log file and a brief explanation about the problem and
| your previous partitions (size, label, filesystem type).
