Thank you for the replies. I don't really like the idea of using the
scroll tables but it seems to be the easiest solution.
Actually Murray I have included a JS print function on the pages which
will print the data in the scroll area. Its a function that prints
anything within a Printready div area. Works fine.
If you look at my example I would appreciate a critique as to how I have
handled the cross browser problem [IE vs Mozilla/Netscape, Opera not
considered]. I think it is a "kluge" [software term definition=make it
work regardless of the limitations of the software] but it seems to work.
Does the layout and print area display ok for you?
When I'm finished I'll post a set of hints for anyone else that wants to
do this. Making it cross browser compliant is tricky.
Personally, I hate this. It usually means that you have important data
scrunched into this small scrolly area that can't be printed.
Your friend is mistaken. If the code is on the page, robots will read it.
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