[OT] Who is this?

  • Thread starter Thread starter dszady
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dszady said:

Tough one! Can I call for assistance???
Tiger! It has to be Tiger, right?
awww... come on, tell me...
Pretty please?
With lots of sugar on top?

When I created my nick, ther were 3 thinngs in mind that made me choose
And this is one of them. Nice!

The other two things were
1) a catfood commercial that showed a cat being transformed into a tiger (or
lion or so) when it ate that brand of catfood. Unfortunately I don't know
the brandname anymore.

2) a piece played by a dutch cabbretier (kind of stand-up comedian, but
slightly different) is gous roughly as follows:
<picking up the phone>
<kitten meouw>
"can I have your dad on the line?""
<lion roar>

I have to say: written down, it isn''t as funny...

Someone with an identity crisis
dszady said:

Tough one! Can I call for assistance???
Tiger! It has to be Tiger, right?
awww... come on, tell me...
Pretty please?
With lots of sugar on top? [...]
When I created my nick, ther were 3 thinngs in mind that made me choose
And this is one of them. Nice!

The other two things were
1) a catfood commercial that showed a cat being transformed into a tiger (or
lion or so) when it ate that brand of catfood. Unfortunately I don't know
the brandname anymore.

2) a piece played by a dutch cabbretier (kind of stand-up comedian, but
slightly different) is gous roughly as follows:
<picking up the phone>
<kitten meouw>
"can I have your dad on the line?""
<lion roar>

I have to say: written down, it isn''t as funny...

Someone with an identity crisis

If you want a tiger I'll hunt one down for you. No guns. Ok?
dszady said:
If you want a tiger I'll hunt one down for you.

Find me one of those Siberian white tigers. What an incredibly gorgeous
animal. I give them first place in beauty. (Then for the good looks more
towards adorably cute, polar bears are my favorite. With our North American
raccoons taking a good runner-up for cuteness. But I'm biased for this last,
since I've had a few for my good buddies.)
No guns. Ok?

No. Scary. Too much impending extinction going on.

.. . .

But I probably ought bail out of the animals subject. My OT quotas for
the day are maxing out. :-0 Unless I could pretend it would help if I
said that I would use Irfanview freeware for refining, and setting to
wallpaper, a good Siberian white tiger graphic...
omega said:
Find me one of those Siberian white tigers. What an incredibly gorgeous
animal. I give them first place in beauty. (Then for the good looks more
towards adorably cute, polar bears are my favorite. With our North American
raccoons taking a good runner-up for cuteness. But I'm biased for this last,
since I've had a few for my good buddies.)

No. Scary. Too much impending extinction going on.

. . .

But I probably ought bail out of the animals subject. My OT quotas for
the day are maxing out. :-0 Unless I could pretend it would help if I
said that I would use Irfanview freeware for refining, and setting to
wallpaper, a good Siberian white tiger graphic...

A buddy of mine used to have a farm and had a lot of racoons as
visitors... he used to give them sugar cubes and laughed his head off
watching them wash them in the nearby creek... Very particular eaters!
Kerry Liles said:
A buddy of mine used to have a farm and had a lot of racoons as
visitors... he used to give them sugar cubes and laughed his head off
watching them wash them in the nearby creek... Very particular eaters!

That's one thing that's so neat about them. The use of their hands. Where
I used to live, they liked to play by reaching up from under the deck and
grabbing our feet. Sometimes, when you didn't see it coming, it was very
startling. But had to forgive them, what with those big innocent dark eyes.
omega said:
Find me one of those Siberian white tigers. What an incredibly
gorgeous animal. I give them first place in beauty. (Then for the
good looks more towards adorably cute, polar bears are my favorite.
With our North American raccoons taking a good runner-up for
cuteness. But I'm biased for this last, since I've had a few for my
good buddies.)

No. Scary. Too much impending extinction going on.

. . .

But I probably ought bail out of the animals subject. My OT quotas for
the day are maxing out. :-0 Unless I could pretend it would help if I
said that I would use Irfanview freeware for refining, and setting to
wallpaper, a good Siberian white tiger graphic...

ok a little shameless plug:
in my photoalbum http://fotoalbum.it-hulp.nl/ there are some pictures of
kittykats of all sizes. Though no siberian whites, the are some of the other
white tiger...

dszady said:

Tough one! Can I call for assistance???
Tiger! It has to be Tiger, right?
awww... come on, tell me...
Pretty please?
With lots of sugar on top? [...]
When I created my nick, ther were 3 thinngs in mind that made me choose
And this is one of them. Nice!

The other two things were
1) a catfood commercial that showed a cat being transformed into a tiger (or
lion or so) when it ate that brand of catfood. Unfortunately I don't know
the brandname anymore.

2) a piece played by a dutch cabbretier (kind of stand-up comedian, but
slightly different) is gous roughly as follows:
<picking up the phone>
<kitten meouw>
"can I have your dad on the line?""
<lion roar>

I have to say: written down, it isn''t as funny...

Someone with an identity crisis

If you want a tiger I'll hunt one down for you. No guns. Ok?

Your wish is my command. (with a little help from picture-shark)