OT: Where to for Mac freeware?

  • Thread starter Thread starter elfranko
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I'm mainly a PC user and for years have come here to get opinions on
the best of the best freeware for PC. Due to circumstances somewhat
out of my control I now have to learn the Mac. Does anyone have any
experience with a place which might be the equivalent (or at least as
close to as possible) to a place like this where I can find users
posting opinions and questions re: Mac freeware?

elfranko stated:
I'm mainly a PC user and for years have come here to get opinions on
the best of the best freeware for PC. Due to circumstances somewhat
out of my control I now have to learn the Mac. Does anyone have any
experience with a place which might be the equivalent (or at least as
close to as possible) to a place like this where I can find users
posting opinions and questions re: Mac freeware?

For Mac OS X there are ports of open-source programs, search for Fink.

Chaos Master®, posting from Canoas, Brazil - 29.55° S / 51.11° W

"People told me I can't dress like a fairy.
I say, I'm in a rock band and I can do what the hell I want!"
-- Amy Lee
I'm mainly a PC user and for years have come here to get opinions on
the best of the best freeware for PC. Due to circumstances somewhat
out of my control I now have to learn the Mac. Does anyone have any
experience with a place which might be the equivalent (or at least as
close to as possible) to a place like this where I can find users
posting opinions and questions re: Mac freeware?

I think that Freeware is Freeware.

If you have any questions regarding Mac specific freeware, then you
could by all means post it here [I don't think it would hurt] :)

My news server doesn't provide any platform specific freeware
newsgroups, not to say that there aren't any out there, only I don't
see any other than this NG and <alt.comp.freeware.discussion> and

Quite a lot of [good] free software available for PCs is also for or
has Mac ports, so opinions and questions can quite often be for either.