Spacey Spade
Does anyone know what happened to bob? Not BoB, not Bob, but bob?
Does anyone know what happened to bob? Not BoB, not Bob, but bob?
B0b said:Spacey Spade:
And where are bOb, BOB, bOB, boB, and BOb?
omega said:Ignore this dude, Spacey.
I know who you mean, and yes, I miss seeing his posts, too. Not the least
guess on the story. Whether it was something about ACF, or whether it was
something about life external.
Mike said:: Don't know what else to do but just report the problem. But luckily
: others had the same problem...and I guess the weight of numbers
: counts...so now you really HAVE fixed it.It's running fine now.
No, I fix things when I get the information I need to find the
Spacey said:Does anyone know what happened to bob? Not BoB, not Bob, but bob?
jason said:Spacey said:Does anyone know what happened to bob? Not BoB, not Bob, but bob?
Hey dude! Just here under another name. "bob" was an accident that got
perpetuated. And the proliferation of Bobs kinda went over the top when
BoB stole...er...borrowed(!) my privacy.net address. <g>
But yeah...to the others...work's been eating me alive. :-( So haven't
been around much.
Anyway, great to see Susan doing such a phenomenal job with PW!
And hey Mike Sa! Glad you're still riding those developers to develop
"green" versions of their programs. Looks like you've got an ally in
[And please ignore the other message...was posted to the wrong group!]
jason said:Hey dude! Just here under another name. "bob" was an accident that got
perpetuated. And the proliferation of Bobs kinda went over the top when
BoB stole...er...borrowed(!) my privacy.net address. <g>
But yeah...to the others...work's been eating me alive. :-( So haven't
been around much.
And I thought I was pretty good at recognizing people. It must be that
winter beard you grew, threw me off.![]()
Spacey Spade said:LOL And you thought he was dead!! I told you it was work!
Spacey said:omega (e-mail address removed) wrote...
LOL And you thought he was dead!! I told you it was work!
omega said:Spacey Spade <[email protected]>:
Hey, I did *not* say he was dead! All I said was that I think he got
sent off to prison, had his overseas accounts seized, and might well
end up dead. OK?
omega said:Hey, I did *not* say he was dead! All I said was that I think he got sent off
to prison, had his overseas accounts seized, and might well end up dead. OK?
Spacey said:Does anyone know what happened to bob? Not BoB, not Bob, but bob?
Hey dude! Just here under another name. "bob" was an accident that got
perpetuated. And the proliferation of Bobs kinda went over the top when
BoB stole...er...borrowed(!) my privacy.net address. <g>
But yeah...to the others...work's been eating me alive. :-( So haven't
been around much.
Anyway, great to see Susan doing such a phenomenal job with PW!
And hey Mike Sa! Glad you're still riding those developers to develop
"green" versions of their programs. Looks like you've got an ally in
[And please ignore the other message...was posted to the wrong group!]
jason said:Hey dude! Just here under another name. "bob" was an accident that got
perpetuated. And the proliferation of Bobs kinda went over the top when
BoB stole...er...borrowed(!) my privacy.net address. <g>
But yeah...to the others...work's been eating me alive. :-( So haven't
been around much.
Susan said:I was wondering too. Glad to know you haven't deserted ACF.![]()
jason said:Hey Susan!
Yep, I dip in when I can...just don't post much.
You're doing a *terrific* job with Pricelessware!!!...and also with
"herding the cats".![]()
Susan said:Thank you very kindly sir (blush)
I'm getting *terrific* support from the group
IMO having the PL
descriptions now is going to make for a better discussion period *and*
we won't have the *mystery* programs that we had last year when we were
trying to do the PL descriptions.
Hope your workload eases up a bit soon.
Susan Bugher wrote: [snip]
I agree. And by getting a lot of the detail work done *up front*, it
makes the process less stressful somehow. More time in the end to
discuss the things that are REALLY important, rather than worrying about
prosaic things like who's the sucker stuck with describing all the System
Utilities(!) or what the heck is this program anyway?!
Does anyone know what happened to bob? Not BoB, not Bob, but bob?