I was wondering if this was normal or not. I now have more and more
stuff plugged into various rooms. Living room - air con, PC,
TV,stereo, DVD player etc.
Bedroom -- TV, 2 PCs, air con, stereo, DVD player, fan , amplifier and
other music stuff.
Now when I turn the vacuum cleaner on - the breakers flip the power
off. Is that some sign that things are overloaded and its dangerous?
Or is that normal? I mean should I just back off plugging some things
Electrical installations in houses are divided into groups, each group
having a breaker.
(Sometimes, in old installations, there is only one group. All teh
appliances then are connected to that one breaker switch.)
A Breaker allows only so much current to pass through.
That has to do with the wiring on that group: a copper wire can also
only tramsit limited current.
So the breaker breaks to protect the wiring against overloading.
A breaking breaker is not a problem: it's shows the thing does its
Your appliance not working might be a problem.
In your list, I see only an airco and a vacuumcleaner that might be
heavy loads on the electrical installation.
A PC is 150 watt
a sound installation might be... 200 watts ?
DVD player... max 50 watts
tv....100 watts
light bulb: 75 watts ? (printed on the glass)
just guessing...
(And then: not all of these are switched on at once: you don't watch
tv AND listen to a CD AND work on 3 PC'S, do you ?)
but add those values and divide the sum by your local voltage (like
230 or 110 volts ?) and you get the current you draw. That should be
less than the value of the breaker (should be printed on the thing)
You can guess: an overload is an overload: the breaker can flip
because of a DVD player being switched on. It needs only a drop to
overflow a bucket.
Some people put in a heavier breaker, when an overload occurs..
However, the question must be asked, if your wiring can carry the
load... Only a certified installer can tell you... My bet is, you
should never do that.
Often heavy power consumers like ovens and washing machines are on
separate groups
So relevenat questions for you are:
1: do I have enough separate groups ?
2: if so, can I connect some appliances to another group ?
3: does the vac cleaner have a short circuit (=damaged) ?
Oh, and one more thing: a bedroom is for sleep and... ok...you know...
NOT for watching tv or working on a PC. You will fall asleep much
easier, if you dedicated that room to the appropriate activities.
It will improve your night rest...