Robert Kim
Hi, all. I apologize in advance for the off-topic post but I just don't
know where else to ask this and figured I'd ask the experts here. I've
tried a digital photography newsgroup but have gotten no response.
Please bear with me on this one. I want to buy a digital camera for a
relative who wants a very small camera. So I'm looking at the Casio
EXILIM EX-Z4u digital camera. But I have some questions:
1. This camera is only compatible with USB 1.1, not USB 2.0. Is this, or
will this be, a problem now or in the future?
2. Has anyone here had any experience with this camera you could share
with me? Is it a good camera or a bad one, etc.?
know where else to ask this and figured I'd ask the experts here. I've
tried a digital photography newsgroup but have gotten no response.
Please bear with me on this one. I want to buy a digital camera for a
relative who wants a very small camera. So I'm looking at the Casio
EXILIM EX-Z4u digital camera. But I have some questions:
1. This camera is only compatible with USB 1.1, not USB 2.0. Is this, or
will this be, a problem now or in the future?
2. Has anyone here had any experience with this camera you could share
with me? Is it a good camera or a bad one, etc.?