OT: The Ten Most Expensive Software Programs in the World

  • Thread starter Thread starter PDFrank
  • Start date Start date


If you have nothing better to do, please help me compile a list of the
ten most expensive (in U.S. dollars) software programs.

Please include a note of what the program does (or purports to do). If
you have personal experience with the program, a comment about whether
the high cost is justified would make an interesting read.

Thank you.
The 10 most expensive software programs in the world does sound

Would you have any qualifiers for that?

Do you want mass produced software programs such as a person could buy
on line or at a store? If you mean any software program I assume that
the top 10 would be owned by a large corporation or a government and
only used by them.
If you have nothing better to do, please help me compile a list of the
ten most expensive (in U.S. dollars) software programs.

Please include a note of what the program does (or purports to do). If
you have personal experience with the program, a comment about whether
the high cost is justified would make an interesting read.

Thank you.

Can you explain to us simple folk who believe the topic of this newsgroup
to be Freeware, why you want to discuss such a matter here? Please, take
it somewhere it has at least an outside chance of being relevant.


Pricelessware 2006 CD now available.
E-Mail for details: raptor740.gmail@com (swap "." and "@")

.... No good deed goes unpunished.
Can you explain to us simple folk who believe the topic of this newsgroup
to be Freeware, why you want to discuss such a matter here? Please, take
it somewhere it has at least an outside chance of being relevant.

A bit like asking the folks in alt.vegan for their top ten choice of
beef cuts....or the readers of alt.teetotallers who had the most
bevvies over the weekend.

If you have nothing better to do, please help me compile a list of the
ten most expensive (in U.S. dollars) software programs.
Its a deal - I'll write it if you buy it. :-)
SamF. said:
The 10 most expensive software programs in the world does sound

Would you have any qualifiers for that?

Do you want mass produced software programs such as a person could buy
on line or at a store? If you mean any software program I assume that
the top 10 would be owned by a large corporation or a government and
only used by them.

Anything that can be purchased by ordinary folks for personal or
business use.

Nothing costing less than $1,000.
PDFrank said:
Here's something Google found. Someone thought of this before.


"This topic is archived. No further replies will be accepted."

Sounds like a plan to me. ;)

Posted to alt.comp.freeware
Search alt.comp.freeware (or read it online):
Pricelessware & ACF: http://www.pricelesswarehome.org
Pricelessware: http://www.pricelessware.org (not maintained)
If you have nothing better to do, please help me compile a list of the
ten most expensive (in U.S. dollars) software programs.

Is that initial cost to buy, or eventual cost to the person stuck with
the software?
That's why the OP used the OT tag...

Dang! Is that a fact? Thank you, I would never have known.

You can easily add a filter for such messages.

And (s)he can just as easily post such off-topic crap in another group.

Why the hell should I have to filter out twaddle that should never be here
in the first place?

In your dreams.
SamF. said:
Do you want mass produced software programs such as a person could buy
on line or at a store?

Consultancies produce custom programs, and can run into tens of millions
of pounds/dollars/whatever. Air traffic control systems, and suchlike.

Down the scale is "mostly" standardised software designed for industry;
I dunno, like animation/vide effects suites. These presumably cost a
mint, and chances are that you'll fork out for extra consultancy for
custom tweaks and in-house expertise.

Then you get retail software, designed for the likes of you and me. Most
of this software is under 100 quid, although something like Microsoft
Office weighs in somewhat heavier than that.

And presumably, there's software in the middle of the last two
scenarious above, catering for the serious amatuer.
Nicolaas said:
Dang! Is that a fact? Thank you, I would never have known.

And (s)he can just as easily post such off-topic crap in another group.

Why the hell should I have to filter out twaddle that should never be here
in the first place?

In your dreams.

"If you're drinking, you need to stop."
"If you're not drinking, you need to start."

and / or

"Please do not annoy, torment, pester, plague, molest, worry, badger,
harry, harass, heckle, persecute, irk, bullyrag, vex, disquiet, grate,
beset, bother, tease, nettle, tantalize or ruffle the animals."
San Diego Zoo / Wild Animal Park

PDFrank said:
If you have nothing better to do, please help me compile a list of the
ten most expensive (in U.S. dollars) software programs.

Please include a note of what the program does (or purports to do). If
you have personal experience with the program, a comment about whether
the high cost is justified would make an interesting read.

Thank you.

I would say that this discussion could be made on topic if you also
added that replies should include possible freeware alternatives to the
expensive commercial software.

Regards from John Corliss
I don't reply to trolls like Andy Mabbett or Doc (who uses sock puppets)
for instance. No adware, cdware, commercial software, crippleware,
demoware, nagware, PROmotionware, shareware, spyware, time-limited
software, trialware, viruses or warez for me, please.
Consultancies produce custom programs, and can run into tens of millions
of pounds/dollars/whatever. Air traffic control systems, and suchlike.

What's 5 million 1978 dollars worth today? I worked on a $5 million
project back then.
From the contents of most of your posts, I'd say you were wrong.

At least he's not stroking Maharaj.

Welcome to alt.comp.freeware-and-crossposted-flames-and-all-about-Vista