Sweet Andy Licious
This has got to be the best ng in regard to not answering (even in a snarky
way) spam messages that generally haunt all ng's. Very few people answer
them which follows the DNFTT theory of ignoring them and they will go away.
Well we know spam won't go away, nor will the trolls, but this ng seems to
do a good job of ignoring them. I admit I am sometimes tempted and have in
the past answered spam, especially as a newbie.
Just wanted to say, is all.
way) spam messages that generally haunt all ng's. Very few people answer
them which follows the DNFTT theory of ignoring them and they will go away.
Well we know spam won't go away, nor will the trolls, but this ng seems to
do a good job of ignoring them. I admit I am sometimes tempted and have in
the past answered spam, especially as a newbie.
Just wanted to say, is all.