OT: SimpleOCR question

  • Thread starter Thread starter Fran
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Is there a way to run handwriting ocr without using a dictionary?
On the Pricelessware website is listed "SimpleOCR"

Without registering ($) it will recognize machine print (typed text) for
an unlimited amout of time (days). It will also recognize handwritng for
14 days before you need to pay money.

Mark S.
Yes, I know. So, how do I run handwriting recognization without dictionary?
Hello Fran,

The short answer is: You don't.
As with typed character recognition software you need a dictionary of the
letters of the alphbet (upper/lower case). For handwritng one would
start off with an empty dictionary and 'train' it for everthing that is

I have used SipleOCR, but not the handwritng portion.

Mark S.