Hi, I came across this search-engine while getting frustrated trying to
locate with Google. This may be the ticket to the other half of the
Internet sites that are not represented in Google. It is an interesting
concept in searching anyway. so you-all may want to take a look-see.
Why the name Vivísimo?
In several Romance languages, Vivísimo suggests lively, bright, and clever,
in the superlative. Our products enliven the deadening process of making
sense out of masses of textual information, hence the aptness of the name.
Is Vivísimo.com a search engine?
The search services at our Vivísimo.com home page are a showcase
demonstration of our document clustering technology, as applied to web
search. No database of web pages are stored there, since we do not crawl or
index the web ourselves. The meta-search service at our home page organizes
the outputs of other search engines: URLs, titles, and short descriptions.
It is more properly seen as a clustering engine.
locate with Google. This may be the ticket to the other half of the
Internet sites that are not represented in Google. It is an interesting
concept in searching anyway. so you-all may want to take a look-see.

Why the name Vivísimo?
In several Romance languages, Vivísimo suggests lively, bright, and clever,
in the superlative. Our products enliven the deadening process of making
sense out of masses of textual information, hence the aptness of the name.
Is Vivísimo.com a search engine?
The search services at our Vivísimo.com home page are a showcase
demonstration of our document clustering technology, as applied to web
search. No database of web pages are stored there, since we do not crawl or
index the web ourselves. The meta-search service at our home page organizes
the outputs of other search engines: URLs, titles, and short descriptions.
It is more properly seen as a clustering engine.